10- No 'Yo Mama' Jokes

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(Song of the chapter: 'Back to You' - Louis Tomlinson & Bebe Rexha)

I bent my knees under me, bracing for impact. This allowed me to land on the ground from the five feet drop without any pain. I still had to stretch my legs out to get rid of the tingles running up them.

"HOLY SHIT!" Brandon exclaimed, running over to the window to look down at me.

"Is she okay?" Came the dry, unconcerned voice of Rhys.

Jasper's head joined Brandon's at the window. "Damn, she's a cat," he remarked with raised brows.

"Hey Sunshine, where are you going? Come back!"

I pumped my legs and started running. The sound of laughter spluttered after me.

"Dude, she's running away!"

I kept on running until I was out of sight. I paused and waited, but I didn't hear any pursuing footsteps. Maybe this charade had finally come to an end, and thank goodness for that. Having people actually want to be around me for no reason other than that - even for a short amount of time - was way too stressful.

I still had thirty minutes to kill before school was over. There was nothing stopping me from just heading home, but instead I decided to walk aimlessly down the halls. I'd never just walked down these halls without being pursued before. The feeling was... nice.

Something caught my eye in the room I passed. I backtracked, taking in my surroundings. I was in the hallway near the school auditorium, where school plays were often held. This part of school held the music, drama and visual arts departments. Evercrest High made sure there were enough classrooms for students studying music to privately practice in their spare time, and I'd just walked right past one.

When I looked inside, I saw a white grand piano at the far-left corner of the room. 

The sight drew me in. I could even hear its sweet, soulful music from where I stood, beckoning to me. Before I knew it, I had walked over to it.

Apprehensive, I stared at the door, worried someone would come in. It is nearly school over though, I thought. If someone was supposed to be in here, they'd be here already

Reassured by this logic, I carefully – respectfully –raised the fallboard for a quick peek.

I caught a whiff of the rich scent of mahogany once I revealed the keys. Made from ivory, they spotlessly gleamed, letting me know that this piano was well taken care of.

Oh, what the heckI gave into temptation and sat down. Might as well, I'd already come this far.

Taking a deep breath, I poised my fingers above the keys, then played a single note.

It sounded clear and properly tuned, as it should. Excited, I happily played more keys which also sounded perfect.

"You sound great, Sandy," I told it affectionately.

"Can I call you Sandy? You look like a Sandy," I mused.

Yes, I know. I'm talking to a grand piano, an obviously inanimate object. But I'm already crazy, so what else is new?

I had intended to just mess around, but my fingers randomly started playing a string of chords which sounded quite familiar. I hummed along as I tried to place them, matching my vocals to the keys.

"Dah dah dah dah dah,"  I sang softly. I closed my eyes, my fingers moving. 

Don't be that way
Fall apart twice a day
I just wish you could feel what you say, my brain filled in the lyrics while my fingers wrote the song with the keys.

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