32 - What's in the box?

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(Song of the chapter: 'Be Kind' - Halsey & Marshmello)

Everyone was staring at me. Everyone.

They whispered openly as I passed through the hallways. They scrutinized me as I got books out of my locker. They peered intensely when I leaned over to drink from the fucking fountain.

I really wanted to ask what exactly was so fucking fascinating.

This was Rhys's fault. Every time I caught a glimpse of him I felt like killing him. With the 'Stay Away' order, that wasn't as often as usual, which was actually to his benefit. But guess who switched seats with that dead-man-walking in Econ?

Rory fucking Summers.

Now I had to forcibly restrain myself from reaching over and wringing his thick neck for a whole 30 minutes a day. And it didn't help that Rhys seemed to somehow realize my murderous intent. Seemed amused by it too.

When I asked Rory why she'd done such a thing, I shit you not, she told me it was because she was a 'hopeless romantic.'

She also said our babies would be 'cute.'

Now there was yet another person on my hit list. Another one bites the dust indeed.

Usually, I would have just gritted my teeth, kept my head down, and tried to keep out of everyone's way until things went back to normal. But I couldn't even do that either. Know why?

I had a 5'5 redheaded Irish bodyguard, who'd absolutely under no circumstances keep away from me.

I was trying to blow off some steam in Music this morning, but it wasn't going very well. If I was pissed, Vixen was absolutely livid – but for different circumstances. Mostly, she was pissed at me.

Do you see what you've done? She snarled at me. She'd been on a roll of snide jabs and comments since Wednesday, and showed no signs of stopping any time soon.

She had come to the inane conclusion that, naturally, I was the one at fault for all the misery I was facing.

Of course this is your fault! she snapped now. If you hadn't sniveled and cowered when that insignificant prey came to attack you, your brother wouldn't have seen fit to assign a human to do a job I'm perfectly capable of!

Now I had to add my wolf's injured pride to the list of things I was currently dealing with.

Holding a poised form with a violin in my hand, my strings finally snapped.

Shut the fuck up, you fucking mutt, I full-on growled back. Just stop fucking nagging for one second. I sure as hell did not ask for a bodyguard, and neither did you. Archer screwed us both over, not me. So if you're not going to be any help at all, quit talking about bodyguards and mates and let me fucking concentrate.

Vixen considered me with amber-gold eyes for a long moment, then snorted.

If you're frustrated in certain areas, little girl, don't take it out on me. I'm not the one in the lead. There's a very suitable male that can help you take care of such things. Raise your voice to me again and I'll gag you.

She, thankfully, went quiet after this, but before a backwards snarl that erupted in my psyche. I got a very clear view of her asshole via the hoisted rump she presented me and wished very hard for mind-bleach.

Did it worry me that Vixen approved of Rhys? Absolutely. But that was one more thing to worry about, so I was not touching that right now.

Exhaling, I turned my attention back to the violin. With Vixen no longer distracting me, I managed to unclench my fingers and produced the first clear note I'd made all class.

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