2- You... are... surrounded

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(Song of the chapter: 'I Did Something Bad' - Taylor Swift)

*Gore warning*

At 11:30pm that night, I stood in front of a full-length mirror propped up against my wall, inspecting my all-black ensemble.

It covered every single inch of skin from my chin downwards, fitting the contours of my body like a second skin. Almost like it was made for me... not that it wasn't.

I flipped my long hair over my neck and slowly started to braid it, watching my reflection mirror my actions.

I had, in my opinion, extremely bothersome long hair. My parents never really marked out 'Going to the hair salon' dates on the calendar, so it's just been allowed to grow out without anyone bothering it. I'd always been afraid of how I'd end up looking if I ever tried to give myself a haircut, regardless of the YouTube tutorials that I'd watched. So I also left it alone, though I had to trim off some split ends every now and then.

Okay, if by now you're a little bit confused on the subject of my parents, lemme clarify some things. I have a biological father. My biological mother, he tells me, is dead. The parents that I have now are apparently related to my biological mom - in other words, they're actually my uncle and aunt. But since neither of them have ever told me anything about my dead biological mother, I continue to think of them as my parents and also continue to hold out hope that my biological father is something of a crazy person.

Once I ran out of hair to braid, I coiled it up and held it in place with one hand, while I used the other to stick pins in my mouth. I used my reflection as a guide as I took out one pin at a time to put in my hair. Once my hair was tight as a noose on my head, I picked up my black mask from my bedside table.

Its purpose was to conceal my facial features as well as protect my head. It was carved into a wolf face, and as I slipped it onto mine I felt it tighten across my forehead and cheekbones, locking in place.

The mask abruptly cut off right below my top lip, because I usually wore silver-tipped fangs over my teeth. I slipped them on then and beheld my entire reflection in the mirror. Just the sight of me then could induce nightmares in men.

I stuck my tongue out at my reflection.

Why am I getting so sexily decked up, you might be wondering? Well, it's not to go to a cosplay convention, that's for sure. Remember when I mentioned that my biological father runs a gang made up of super humans? Well, since I'm part of said gang, my personal duties involved me being an...exterminator, of sorts.

Alright, I'll just say it: I'm an assassin. That's why I'm getting all dressed up, to go do assassin-y stuff. Get off my dick.

Every part of my face and body was now concealed by my black apparel, except my lips. I once asked Gavin - my biological father - why he didn't make the mask so it covered my entire face.

He told me that the material the mask was made of wouldn't allow me to get a word out if it covered all of my face. Besides, he told me, it would be my own fault if I let myself get shot in the mouth. I felt the love right then, let me tell you.

For the next part, I made myself focus on my eyes, noting the full extent of their color. While on the outside I looked every inch like a normal fifteen year old girl, my eyes were the only part of my body that revealed the full story, that could tell people that I was something...other.

My irises were a deep black with blue and green flecks of color, all lined with a ring of with gold. This was the normal state of my eyes, but sometimes when I got very angry, the ring of gold around my irises tended to glow.

Dark WolfeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora