1- Not today

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(Song of the chapter: 'Stronger' - Kanye West)

"There's no use running, nerd! You know we'll still catch you in the end!" A loud obnoxious voice yelled behind me, hot on my heels. I ignored the asscrack that uttered those words and kept pumping my legs, going as fast as humanly possible. 

Big stress on humanly.

To those of you out there reading my story, you're about to get a very real introduction into the shitpan that is my life.

My name is Avalon Wolfe, and I am not popular. Scratch that, I'm the extreme opposite of popular at my school: everyone hates me. I've been bullied since I was a little kid, so I really should have gotten used to it by now. So why am I running, you may be wondering? Well, sometimes when I run they catch me in the end, and sometimes they don't. 

I run for the sometimes that they don't.

I braked heavily to avoid running into a wall. I looked around, unsure of where to go next. Usually, I knew the ins and outs of escape routes since I'm usually trying to do just that: escape from the bullies chasing me. But today they caught me in a different place and it startled me and I just took off without knowing exactly where I was, which is just perfect. 

I heard the sounds of footsteps close behind and swore. Repeating the mistake that got me into this mess, I chose a route to go through without knowing where the hell I was headed.

Where were we? Oh right. Okay, so I'm 5'7 or 5'8, so I'm not exactly little, but my height isn't much of a deterrent for my bullies. Sad times. I'm one of those people who burns off calories as soon as I ingest the food, so I can't exactly bulk up and scare them away. They won't scare away anyways. People at this school are really set on making my life a living hell.

One last, very important thing you guys should know: I'm not completely human. You see, my dad, or well, my biological father, is part of this illegal organization, aka gang, that performs gene modifications on its members. 

Every member of the Moonlight Werewolves has had their DNA combined with that of the Canis lupus in a completely irreversible procedure. Putting it simply, we're werewolves, myself included. Not because I consented to this procedure, but because my father had sex and this new gene was passed on to me. Super.

I ran faster, hearing the sounds of footsteps getting close behind me. I shrugged off my bag and held it in my hands instead. I was planning on ditching it somewhere safe when I had the chance.

So great, right? I'm a werewolf. I'm betting you're all thinking about what a special snowflake I am right now. Well get it together. I'm a werewolf, which means I'm on a higher level of the food chain than these puny humans chasing me. I'm incredibly strong, unbelievably fast, and if I choose to shift into a wolf, which I don't ever want to do, I could literally rip my bullies apart. I can't lie – the thought is so very tempting. 

But, as you may have guessed already, what occurs in my father's gang isn't exactly public knowledge. The information and the whole procedure done to make us what we are could be terrible knowledge in the wrong hands – not that our hands are so very clean anyways. 

So what that means for me is that I can't use my abilities in any way that would endanger the secrecy of my dad's gang. This means, instead of busting out my incredible ninja moves, I have to let myself be bullied. I, Avalon Wolfe, am a dark horse in the worst way possible.

I'm sure you're all very jealous of me now, huh?

I burst through the doors in front of me, panting. Once the smell of chlorine hit my nose I knew I was already screwed. I'd reached the school's swimming pool, and there was no way out except through the doors I had just come in. 

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