23- Wanna make purple?

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(Song of the chapter: 'I Forgot That You Existed' - Taylor Swift)

I swiftly trapped the ball between my feet before it could roll away.

I toed it a little, positioning it right in front of my foot, then agilely maneuvered it over my toes and onto my sneaker. Concentrating, I dribbled the ball on my knee like Brandon showed me, then let it fall back to the grass.

Angling my foot just so, I smacked it with my heel, smartly passing it back to him.

Brandon easily caught it.

"Hey, you're getting good at this," he remarked, brown eyes filled with a smile.

I grinned back, my heart swelling with pride.

His blond hair fell across his face when he looked down, his brow furrowing cutely as he expertly juggled the ball between his feet.

We were practicing soccer drills in P.E. Brandon made a habit of partnering up with me, so I now made a habit of actually participating.

He was the best on the field, no question. It was amazing getting to learn from him. Coach had given him a light pat on the shoulder, and even nodded approvingly at me when he came by to check how we were doing.

Other duos weren't doing as well. Coach was currently chewing out some kid a few feet away from us, who looked like he really wanted to stuff himself inside a cone and then never come out.

That wasn't where Brandon was looking though. Sunlight caressed his cheek as he turned, staring out across the field.

I followed his gaze. Amongst the colorful pom-poms and girls wearing uniform colors, Lilith distinctly stood out.

Not for lack of color though – she was dressed to the nines as usual.

Rhys and Jasper had managed to persuade Lilith not to join the cheerleading squad. They had not, however, managed to talk her out of her main objective.

What looked like the entire cheerleading squad was crowded around her. Some of them were even giggling and hiding blushes as she spoke.

Lilith sported a decidedly smug look. She just knew she had them all eating out of her palm, pecking enthusiastically and leaving no crumbs behind.

I watched her lean forward. Her fans automatically mirrored the movement, jerking forward like puppets on a string.

Lilith didn't look bothered by what could potentially be a dangerous situation. Quite the contrary, really.

Golden eyes full of sunlight and mischief glimmered as she whispered something, a hand cupped coquettishly against her cheek. The girls unanimously tittered with laughter, sounding like a chorus of birds joyfully proclaiming the sunrise.

Some even became emboldened, twirling their hair flirtatiously and fluttering their lashes like wings.

One smirk from Lilith and they melted right into their shoes.

The only cheerleader on the field who wasn't hanging on to Lilith's every word was Alisson. She stood apart from the throng, pom-poms crossed under her chest while glaring at her subordinates. They were so getting a tongue-lashing the minute Lilith left.

None of the It Girls had ever been interested in sucking up to the Four Horsemen, I realized. They kind of just acknowledged their popularity while still maintaining belief in their own. They were like two kingdoms stationed in the same realm, determined to coexist.

For now, at least.

I turned back to Brandon. He still hadn't looked away. He wasn't even blinking, though the sun at this time of day had to be nearly blinding.

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