18- Can you show us your boobs?

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(Song of the chapter: 'bad guy' - Billie Eilish)

She didn't mean you! I quickly shot back. But my words lacked conviction. Truth was, I had no clue what Lilith was talking about.

I held still as she walked up to me and peered in my face, tapping her red lips with her red lolly.

"Hmm, yes, that face. That look in your eyes." She circled me, looking me up and down as if she was taking my measurements. I kept my breathing even.

She stopped and nodded in affirmation. "Yup, there's no doubt about it." Her tone was so cheerful.

"You're Avalon Wolfe, aren't you?"

The words took a moment to sink in. For a moment, I could only blink at her stupidly.

She grinned, her face and eyes lighting up. It made her look adorable, like a little cherub.

"You are! I have heard so much about you!" She said in her crisp British accent.

She looped an arm around mine. "Come, walk with me." She started moving, and I had no choice but to follow.

"You have no idea how starved I am - starved - for female companionship. Living with guys is not an easy task. I mean, they don't want to paint nails or braid each other's hair - except Jasper, but he's terrible at it." She gave a little shudder.

I opened my mouth to speak, but she interrupted me, going off again before even taking in a breath. She was talking a mile a minute and I couldn't get a word in edgewise. All I could do was try to keep up with her spiel and her fast-paced stride, which I found surprisingly hard to do for such a tiny person. And wearing those heels no less.

"So it's great that the guys know you and like you, so I don't have to hunt down someone suitable in this large school. You know, I'm surprised they even made any friends. Rhys keeps to himself so, and they all just follow his lead like they can't have an individual thought." She snorted, but her jibe was good-natured.

We reached the door to my Economics classroom in no time.

"Here you are!" She said merrily. "I missed lunch, but I'm sure we'll be able to get to know each other over a bite later on. Bye for now."

She turned around and skipped briskly down the hall. I looked over at her, then to the door of my classroom, feeling dazed. I wasn't sure what had just happened.

The look was still on my face when I took my seat. A crumpled up paper ball hitting me squarely between the eyes quickly changed that.

I looked in the direction of my attacker and saw Rhys watching me. He only looked amused when I glared at him.

"Why do you look like you've been slapped in the face with a fish?" He asked. I contemplated going over and slapping him in the face, but then the bell rang and Mr. Graham walked into the room.

"Your friend is here," I said in a hushed tone as Mr. Graham set up his things for the lesson. Rhys raised his eyebrows at me.

"The Brit," I hissed. I held up a hand in what I assumed was an approximation of her height and then dropped it.

"Oh," he finally got it. "So?"


"She's acting like she knows me!" I whispered furiously.

"She does, kinda." Rhys leaned around Rory, who'd just taken her seat, to face me. He shrugged.

"We've talked about you a lot," he said, like it was no big deal.

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