6- Can we be friends?

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(Song of the chapter: 'Diana' - One Direction)


I couldn't help noticing her. It was like I had this radar in my head that radioed in whenever she was in range. So I immediately noticed when she walked into the class that afternoon, face pinched and brows drawn. She looked extremely worried about something.

My eyes narrowed. Was that guy bothering her again? I had this inexplicable overwhelming urge to find him and land a punch in his face.

Bloody hell. Why the fuck did I care?

I didn't even know her name or who she was, and she for some reason had a bone to pick with me and the guys. She shot us venomous looks whenever she saw us in the hallway, and whenever my eyes locked with hers she immediately turned away.

Basically, all the signs I was reading from her were telling me loud and clear to STAY AWAY. Since I wasn't in the habit of befriending prickly creatures, it really shouldn't have been hard for me to obey them.

Yet my gaze followed her as she walked over to her seat and stayed on her long after the teacher started talking. It was fascinating to watch the expressions play across her face. She looked to be pondering something really important, and I badly wanted to know what it was.

The test started and I forced myself to turn away. Halfway through it I heard her push back her seat and go to hand in her paper.

Of course she's some kind of fucking genius. I decided it was best to actually concentrate on my own test.

I was just finishing up the question I was working on when I felt her gaze on me.

I looked up. Her eyes met mine and... held them. For once, her stare was absent of animosity. Her glasses were covering her eyes and she was too far away for me to really tell, but it was almost like she was trying to tell me something. But what?

Confused, I just stared back. She seemed to sigh, then she turned away and moments later I heard the sound of her feet pounding on tiled floor as she scurried away.

I just blinked. Girls are fucking confusing.

I was about to turn back to my test when my gaze narrowed on two guys in front of me wearing football jerseys, staring intently at the doorway she'd just exited.

They both looked at each other and had a few moments of silent conversation, then one of them pushed his seat back and turned in his test, leaving the class. Moments later, his companion followed.

I got the sinking feeling something bad was about to happen to the girl.

I finished my test as quickly as I could, and as I strode out of the class I fired a text to Jasper.

Hey, something's going down. Can you get out of class early?

Seconds later, he replied with a thumbs up emoji. Grinning a bit, I sent the same text to Brandon and got a similar response.

Soon enough, I had my friends at my side and we were on our way to find her. I just hoped we wouldn't get there too late.


This time I'm ready to run

Hell yeah! I paused to take off my glasses and put them in their protective case in my bag before I continued running, briskly heading towards the school doors.

In case anyone was chasing me, I took a path with many twists and turns before I finally rounded the corner, the transparent doors finally in sight.

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