Chapter Forty-Seven: Insecurity

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Dean’s POV

“Grab me another beer!” I hollered at Ruby.

We were watching some football. To be honest, I never really liked watching it. Somehow though, with Ruby here being so enthusiastic, I’ve grown to like the energy

She was in the kitchen, getting another plate of hot wings. It was something of a tradition with her, hot wings and a certain type of Swedish beer. Tastes funny to me but whatever.

She came back, wearing her customary tiny clothes that I swear can fit on a teddy bear. She was holding two beers and her plate.

I stopped bothering about her tiny clothes. If she felt most comfortable with little to no clothes on then she was welcome to it. Her body did nothing for me so I didn’t care either way.

Rosie was at work, there for a late shift. That was the only way I’d risk having Ruby here.

She wasn’t too bad. I’ve gotten to know her over this past week and she’s pretty cool but I knew Rosie hated her.

Man, if Rosie found Ruby here she’d flip to say the least.

“Touchdown!” Ruby screamed, bouncing up and down, threatening to expose her generous cleavage. I averted my eyes and went back to my beer.

I should probably slow down though. I was already feeling the early dizziness of a buzz.

I set down the bottle, wanting a clear head. The last thing I wanted was for Rosie to see me drunk. It was something that triggered her sometimes. Reminded her of her mom of something.

It was just best to steer clear.

“Did you see that?” Ruby grinned.

I smiled back, about to reply, but I was interrupted.

By keys jingling by the door.

Oh shit.

Rosie was here.

I was so screwed.

All I could do was watch, frozen and horrified, as Rosie froze by the door, staring at a half-dressed Ruby. I was starting to mind her clothing choices a lot more now.

We stared at each other, waiting for a fucking bomb to explode. Or I was at least.

Ruby was the one who broke the silence.

“I think I’ll be going now” she muttered, edging her way past Rosie slowly, as if Rosie was a dangerous animal who was going to attack her.

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