A Filthy Pretty Mess With Sinful Lips

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(I added a much needed gif to the chapter ;) )
My eyes fluttered open as I slurred awake, the outside light beamed across the bed frame and blankets. Every bone in my body cracked when I stretched out my limbs. My arm returned around a snoring Harry who snuggled deeper into my chest. Yesterday's events rushed through my mind, heat spread through my cheeks and ears, maybe even down to my lower region. I shook the thoughts out and glanced at the alarm clock, eight-thirty.

I peaked down and let my fingers cart through his loose waves. The tip of his nose flinched as it laid over my naked chest. His thick lashes twitched and his lips moved slightly, he's waking up. His green tired eyes appeared, trying to adjust to the light in the room. His view gazed down to my chest and a slight panic ran through him.

"It's me, don't worry," I reassured.

He sighed and let out a heavy breath, "I thought I was with cur—some random guy—till I saw the tic-tac-toe tattoo of course," he snickered.

I scoffed and shoved him slightly with a smirk. Harry rested his chin against my pecs while his attention was towards me, explaining his wild dream he had last night. I nodded as the words left his mouth smoothly. I glanced at my fingers as they danced along his knuckles, soon intertwining.

"That's why you should never give me sugar before bed, maybe the usual Yorkshire tea instead," Harry thought.

"Yeah, you tend to talk in your sleep without it," I pointed out. It's true, Harry is a sleep talker, he will have full-blown conversations while he's fast asleep. It's fun when you ask him random questions but it can get out of hand when he's asleep he doesn't know what an inside voice is. He's practically yelling with his husky deep voice.

"What time do you have work today?" I asked.

Harry lifted his head and focused on the alarm clock. His head dropped and he groaned loudly. "I have forty-five minutes to get ready, I'm gonna go home and shower," Harry smiled sadly. "You should take one too, you reek of come," Harry giggled.

I flipped him off while laughing along with the younger man. I threw my arms behind my head as I watched Harry scan through the articles of clothing across the floor. He stood to his feet, a loud groan escaped his lips as he cupped his naked ass, which was flashing me as clear as day. "Mother fucker!" Harry yelled as his eyes squeezed shut and his nose scrunched up.

"If my fingers hurt that much—just imagine when my cock is in you," I laughed while Harry flipped me off with both hands.

"You're so cocky—fuck never mind," Harry tried to hide his smile as a blush appeared across his cheeks.

I climbed out of bed and grabbed Harry's hand before he exited the room. He gave me a questioning look but I only closed the space between us. I pushed our chest together as I devoured his lips and tongue in a crushing make-out. Harry let out small whimpers as he dropped the articles of clothing in his hand to grasp my naked body. His hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer, "Stop by after work today, I'll teach you something new," I winked.

Harry nodded with a toothy grin, he slipped on his pants and threw the shirt over his head while waving bye.

I washed up after Harry left to work. I tidied up the kitchen and living room to buy some time. I'm surprised Harry hasn't gotten tired of the mess building up everywhere. "I should get a cat," I sighed while my back pressed against my couch sluggishly.

Harry would want a cat, maybe we could share one? Best friends sharing a cat is a great idea, just like how we shared our pet fish. Harry would be so shocked, his reactions are amazing. Wide green eyes with his mouth hung open, it's a lovely sight. I grasped my laptop and pulled the device on top of my lap and began typing out the nearest animal shelter. The closest one was only a ten-minute drive away. Maybe I'll stop by to see what kind of animals they have, mainly cats.

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