The Tricks Up Your Sleeve Begs To Differ

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My eyes adjusted to the kitchen, my hands patting anything that could be the phone, once my hands were secured on the loud ringing device, I pulled it off the hook and brought it to my ear.

"Hmm?" I couldn't help the groggy tiredness out of my voice, whoever is on the other line just woke me up from my day to sleep in, you only get so many days off during the week, I frown at the thought of work.

"Hey, Lou!" Harry's voice boomed through the speaker, I quickly pulled the phone away from my ear as a handful of giggles escaped through the device.

"Yes, Harry?" I mumbled as my hands rubbed the exhaustion out of my eyes.

It's been a couple of days since I've seen Harry but of course, not a day goes by without us talking on the phone about the most random things in the world. We would stay up later than usual sometimes just to discuss who was hotter, Mark Wahlberg or Johnny Depp.

Sometimes we'd discuss things we did in the past together such as teaching Harry how to ride a bike or him helping me save my goldfish from 'drowning', I didn't talk to Harry the rest of the day after we flushed fishy, soon after my mamaboo explained how fish couldn't 'drown'. But Harry made it up to me, he brought me an angelfish. We named it Larry, Harry and my name linked together, Harry said that it was okay for Larry to have two dads, as long as he feels loved.

The fish died the next day due to Harry tripping over the rug in the kitchen and his tight curly head bumped into the table causing it to jerk forward, the round fish tank falling over and crashing into the ground, and there went, Larry. Larry will stay alive, in our hearts.

"Why don't we get a fish and name it Lou?"

"No, you'll end up killing Lou and you'll be known as a fish murder,"

I didn't notice Harry speaking over the phone till I shook out of my daze, "What was that, love?"

"Come over! It's important!" His voice roared, I know his emerald eyes are bulging out of their sockets with his hands thrown in the air right now.

I hung up the phone and sighed, Harry is dramatic, he once called me over crying to come over because it was 'important', the day ended with me holding a crying Harry because he tripped over Dusty while doing yoga, the sad part is Dusty isn't even Harry's cat, he's a neighborhood cat. I took a quick shower, scrubbing every part of my body happily. After brushing my teeth and hair I grabbed my keys and headed across the street to the familiar Styles home.

I barged through the door yelling, "Honey I'm home!"

Warmth washed over my body as my toes and teeth shivered from the lack of sun due to winter. A smiling Harry appeared with oven mitts over his large hands and a tray of sweets in his grip. He gave me a cheeky smile and a nod towards the kitchen. I kicked off my vans with a variety of shoes aligned neatly.

"So what's so important now, Hazza?" I smirked as a shiver ran down from my spine to my toes.

He gave me a big smile, his teeth slowly appearing into view. His curls now in a messy yet neatly loose bun, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he jumped from one foot to another, his feet covered in light blue socks. I eyed his behavior as he started moving his shoulders slowly into a slow rhythm building up-tempo. I laughed as his shoulders bounced back and forth, doing the shimmy.

"So my coworker Niall hooked me up with his cousin Curtis, he's brunette, eyes the color of honey, he's 5'10—" Harry threw his head back as the back of his hand laid against his forehead as if he's about to faint, "—but he lives out of town," he frowned.

Vanilla with a bit of Spice | Larry Stylinson |Where stories live. Discover now