Toy With My Body

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"We are excited to collaborate with you, Mr. Tomlinson." I took the man's hand in mine with a tight grasp, a smile on my face expressing my delight. I cheerfully skipped out of the bright-looking structure. This was my fifth interview in as many days. I called Harry this morning to inform him that he would be having a job interview later that day. He screamed eagerly into the phone and said he'd stop by after work to talk about how everything went.

I didn't inform him exactly where the interview would take place. Is it necessary to mention that the meeting took place two hours outside of town? Not at that exact moment, because I didn't expect it to go so well, it was my fifth interview after all! The clock read one-thirty in the afternoon and Harry didn't get home till six after. There have to be store outlets close by right?

"Excuse me, ma'am, are there any local shopping centers?" I inquired of a woman who appeared to be the parking lot's security guard.

"There is a mall not too far from here, hun," she said with a nice smile. "Go down Madison street and make a right at the second light." I thanked her and swiftly scribbled down the directions on the palm of my hand.

After about an hour of window shopping and discovering things tossed around in the clearance section, I came upon a worker putting up a "Secrets" sign on the store's front window. 'Everything is 50% -99% off today only!' I read from the large strong letters on the sign. I was curious about the store due to the lack of see-through windows, what's so secret about it? One more store wouldn't hurt?

The mannequins dressed in kinky lingerie were the first thing that caught my eye as I came through the doors. My gaze was drawn to the numerous brightly colored tall and long stiletto heels hidden beneath the lingerie. As one of the workers strolled up to me unfazed, he cleared my throat, "Is this your first time here?" He gave a warm smile.

Can you tell it's my first time here by the way I nodded? I've gone to Spencers, but they only carry a limited selection of sex toys; this entire store is a sex toy palace! "Well, my name is Johnny, and it is a pleasure..." he smirked, "to take your secrets virginity, is this for your partner or your cute self?" Johnny gave a wide grin.

I laughed nervously and tried to keep my eyes on Johnny's brown eyes instead of the huge silicone cocks behind him.

"It's for my partner."


Johnny insisted on following him to the beginner's section. Have I used toys before? No, no I haven't. Was that an act I pulled on Harry at Spencer's? Yes, yes it was. I've done my research on it, I've seen people use it on porn, but I've never used it on myself nor a partner. "We have the basic Personal Wand Massager, it's rechargeable with twenty patterns and eight speeds and it's waterproof," Johnny smiled holding a purple-looking microphone. "This can bring pleasure to the female clitoris or a male's penis, it's your choice," He smiled.

I blushed furiously, "How much?" I asked.

"Fifteen dollars plus if you buy one you get another free," Johnny explained.

Free? "Tell me about this one," I relaxed as I pointed to a thicker-looking wand next to the previous vibrator.


I couldn't help the excitement that ran through my body as I drove home anxiously. Johnny explained the multiple types of pleasurable toys in the store, how to use them, and explained how some of the teasing and punishments these toys can do. I didn't know how fast I was driving till I reached home thirty minutes early.

I unlocked the door and saw Harry fixing up the living room unbothered. He fluffed the pillows and placed them against the cushions. He glanced over and greeted me with a wave and a smile. "I just got here," Harry explained as he picked up my pair of vans that were scattered across the carpet floor.

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