Epilogue II- Hidden Girl

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2 Years Later

I was painting when the song came on.

He'd been gone for 6 months and it has been the worst 6 months I have had since I've met him. Sure leaving for England was bad, but this was somehow worse.

Maybe it was just paranoid about him being surrounded by girls or just away for so long. I did have full control of our New York apartment. I no longer have to pick up his dirty socks or clean his dishes when he doesn't rinse them.

I miss his laugh that used to echo through the apartment or how he would dance with me along to the radio. I miss how he used to serenade to me after I was having a bad day.

To cover up the pain of him gone, I painted.

I could easily keep the gallery in stock downstairs with the help of Azalea's dad, but I still needed to paint more. So I started the room the second that he left for tour.

The room was full of canvases everywhere. Most people would find it creepy, but it somehow comforted me to paint his face over and over again. The room was just paintings of Alex.

Some were of him singing or playing his guitar and you could see every trace of passion on his face. The best ones though were of me and him, my favorite being the one of us dancing on Christmas Eve all those years ago. He hasn't grown much different since then.

I was in mid-stroke when the song came on to the radio that I was blaring; trying to numb the pain and the absence of him not being here. He used to come up behind me when I was painting. He would wrap his arms around me and kiss my hair. Alex would tell me over and over again how beautiful I was.

The familiar slow picking pattern starts and my hand starts to shake as the paint brush falls to the ground.

"Tickets to High Fliers' tour are on sale now and here's their new song, Hidden Girl," the radio announcer says before Alex's voice fills up my room.

The alcohol is numbing my pain

but nothing can hide your face.

I miss the look of snow in your hair

and how you never cared

You've been away for weeks now

I can't do it anymore.

My body seizes to function and I collapse to the ground. Luckily the paint is on the table next to the canvas, so it doesn't fall on the ground.

It's so strange to hear such a familiar voice come onto the radio. The song was totally and completely written by Alex and Sebastian, and well it's about me; Hidden Girl. The song instantly rose to the top of the charts and gave them the opportunity for a tour that they named Soulmates.

Alex begins to sing the chorus and I can't hold it in anymore. The tears stream down my face.

No need to be hidden, girl

I will show you how to shine

Don't be hidden, girl

We're going to be fine

"WE"RE NOT FINE AT ALL!" I scream as I chuck the wet paintbrush up at the canvas that has his face on it. "YOU LEFT ME! DID YOU EVER EVEN LOVE ME?!?!"

Everything I have been feeling for the past 6 months explodes as he sings on with the backup vocals of Sebastian. He's moved on to another girl. Maybe he's never even going to come home.

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