9- You're Cute When You Sleep

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"Aurora, wake up."

"Huh?" I ask as I peel open my eyes. I look around to see that I'm asleep under Alex's comforter and Alex kneeling next to the bed so his face is right next to mine. Creeper.

I quickly sit up and fix my hair so that I look somewhat presentable. "Why did you let me fall asleep?"

"Well we were working and you could barely keep your eyes open, sweetheart," Alex explains as he walks over and sits on top of his desk. "You finally were so sleepy and tired that you barely functioned, so I stuck you under the comforter and let you sleep. You needed it."

"Thanks," I mutter quietly, clearly embarrassed that Alex had to do that to me. "What time is it?"

"7," he says as I climb out of the bed.

"Ugh I'm working the 8 o'clock shift again," I groan as I get my stuff together. "Well I'm sorry that I fell asleep on you."

"It's fine," he shrugs, a little bit of a smirk on his face. "You're cute when you sleep."


"An amazingly handsome creeper," he corrects me.

"Oh yes. How could I have forgotten?" I say, sarcasm clear in my voice, making him smile at me.

"Can I drive you to work?" he asks politely.

"No, I have to stop at home for my uniform," I say as I swing my book bag on my shoulder.

"Can I drive you home?" he pleas. "I don't feel safe with you walking home alone this late."

It is already dark out and I can just tell that he isn't going to let this go.

"Um sure. I only live a couple blocks away though," I shrug. "One thing though.".

"Anything," he says.

"Um I obviously don't live in a mansion."

"That's fine." He laughs. "I don't either."

"And you don't talk about where I live to anyone else," I inform him as I slip my boots back on.

He nods his head as he throws his leather jacket on. "I can do that."

We exit his apartment and we walk up to his bike. He hops on but I stand there staring at it as my hair, that's still in a ponytail, goes crazy in the wind.

What is he going to think? What if my dad catches me? That would not end well.

"You'll be fine, sweetheart," Alex says, making me look over at him. How can someone be so beautiful and act like it's nothing as the wind blows his curly hair around? "I won't judge."

I nod my head and hop on the back of the bike. I slide my arms around Alex and hold on tight as we fly down the street. I whisper directions in his ear so we get to the right place, and before I know it, we're in front of my apartment building.

He gives me a funny look since we're standing in front of a run down place that he wasn't expecting. I ignore him and we head up to my floor.

I peak my head into the apartment, and sigh in relief when I see that Dad isn't here.

I enter the apartment and Alex enters after me, closing the door behind him. I ignore him taking everything in and I lead him to my bedroom. I open the door and he comes in after me.

His eyes go wide when he sees that not a single inch of wall is showing, all of it covered in different types of artwork. "Wow."

"Yeah," I say, ignoring him as I take the uniform out of the drawer. I turn around to see him holding up my sketchbook, staring at it in awe.

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