29- Nightmares

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I wake up the next morning to the sun streaming into Alex's room and no one beside me.

I immediately sit up and feel like I'm going to faint as I sit up. I collapse back onto the bed and screw my eyes shut, waiting for it to pass.


I finally look up to see a tired Alex standing in the doorway with his mom.

"Good morning, Mrs. Johnson," I yawn as I slowly sit up, but Alex quickly rushes to my side.

He lowers me back down so I lay down. "You're sick. Fever and all that stuff. Mother's orders for you to rest. No excuses."

I'm so tired and sore that I simply nod my head. Alex tucks me in and kisses my head, and I quickly find myself dreaming.


I dream of my dad coming at me with a knife, and I'm terrified. But right when he reaches me, Alex jumps in front of me and takes the knife for me.

I scream at the top of my lungs as he collapses onto the floor with his eyes glassy and I scream louder. I barely even notice my father stab me; I just stare at Alex's lifeless body and scream.

I finally come back to reality and sit up straight up in bed. I'm covered in a layer of sweat but I don't care. Alex sits next to me looking worried and I feel relief. I give him a huge hug and cry into his shirt.

"He killed you, Alex. He-he killed you and it was m-my fault. I'm s-so sorry," I shutter out as I feel so much relief knowing that that dream wasn't real.

"Shhh," Alex comforts me, trying to calm me down. "It's okay. It was just a dream."

I shakily nod my head and Alex lays me back down. He shoves me over and slides under the comforter with me and he holds me to his chest.

"You're going to get sick too," I try to tell him.

"I'd rather have you not have nightmares and have me get sick than the other way around," Alex says as he pulls me closer and rubs my arms to warm me up.

"Tell me a story," I request as I sigh and melt into his arms.

Alex dramatically clears his throat before he begins.

"Once upon a time there was this handsome young talented boy who lived with his mother, father, and 2 siblings. After a big fight between mother and father, the father stormed out and was never seen or heard from again."

"That's horrible," I say sadly. "I hate this story already."

"Oh but I'm not even at the good part yet," Alex says before he continues and I can tell by how he speaks that he has a smile on his face. "The day after the father left, his son was broken about this. That day at school though, he met this girl. He called her the "Hidden Girl". The Hidden Girl was beautiful, amazing, and talented, but she hid all of these things from everyone. Without knowing it, she helped this boy move on and forget about the dad leaving. This boy saved the Hidden Girl, but the Hidden Girl saved him too."

"That was a beautiful story," I tell him with a yawn, sleep overcoming me.

"That's because it was about us," I hear Alex say as I begin to drift to sleep. "And I think we're quite beautiful."

Before I can begin to think about what he just said, I find myself already in a deep sleep, feeling like I haven't slept in the longest time


I wake up in Alex's arm with him being wide awake.

"Good morning, Princess Aurora," Alex smiles at me. "Did you sleep well?"

"Why yes I did, Prince Alex," I reply groggily. "Did you sleep at all?"

"Nope," Alex says, popping the p.

"What did you do the whole time?"

"Look at your beautiful face and make sure you were okay," Alex replies with a kiss to my forehead. I blush again as he gets out of the bed and finally I lug myself out too. I look down and see that I'm only wearing a cami and spandex.

"Well this has been awkward," I admit shyly as I look up at Alex as he changes shirts, revealing his tan stomach for a short period of time.

"You want to change?" Alex laughs at my embarrassment. I nod my head as I blush deeper.

"I feel a little over-exposed right now," I laugh at myself quietly. This is just awkward...

"I only have shirts..." Alex mutters to himself as he digs in his drawers for a shirt, knowing that his pants will never fit.

He finally pulls out a plain black shirt and shrugs, hoping it will work well enough. He walks over to me and hands me the shirt.

"Well you look beautiful nonetheless," he whispers in by ear. With that he kisses my cheek and walks out of the room without looking back. After I get over his words, I quickly put the shirt on with some difficulty.

"Hey, Alex!" I yell, too lazy to go find him.

"Yeah?" Alex says as he pops in the room.

"Can you get me some ice for my stomach?" I ask him as I lift up the cami and shirt to check it out. It's completely purple and yucky colors and it is completely gross.

I look up to see that Alex is also staring at my stomach and I quickly drop the shirt to cover it. He looks up at me and he looks broken.

"I'm okay," I reassure him. He still doesn't move, so I just open my arms and continue to look at him. He quickly takes this and takes a couple steps towards me before engulfing me in a hug.

"I wish this never happened," Alex says. "I won't let it happen again either. I'm not allowing you to even see him again."

I nod my head and dig it into his chest.

"Thank you for being there for me," I tell him as I finally let him go.

"Thanks for being you," Alex replies. He kisses me on the forehead like he always does, and walks out to get an ice pack for me.

He comes back with one of those soft bendy ice packs wrapped in a paper towel.

"Lay down again," Alex commands and I listen. I decide to lay on top of the comforter. Alex slowly lifts up the shirt and cami to expose my stomach. He gently sets it on my stomach and I take in a sharp breath from the sudden coldness.

"Shoot..." I mutter. "My phone is at my apartment still."

"You can use mine to talk to Azalea," Alex smiles, knowing that's who I need to talk to.

"Um can Sebastian, Azalea, you, and I hang out today?" I ask Alex.

"Sure. Why?"

"I'm ready to tell them everything. Like everything. I'm done hiding things."

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