3- Avoiding Questions

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"Do you like even need those glasses? Because I'm sure there were a better pair. Daddy could pay for another pair easily. A better pair too."

"Do you go out of your way to annoy me?" I ask him, turning my head to face Alex as we walk down the hallway. "Because we are like not even going to the same class."

Alex raises his hand in the air as if he is making a point saying,"But I am in the class next to yours."

"Creeper..." I mutter under my breath as I duck my head and try to ditch Alex since he annoys me like crazy.

"How am I the creeper?" Alex asks, obviously not understanding that I want him to go.

"You know my schedule," I point out. "That's creepy."

"I only know you take that class because I've seen you walk in there since the beginning of the school year," he says with a shrug. "Always seen you, never gave a second glance."

"Then why now?" I question. "Why now not only give a second glance, but also attempt to talk to me."

"Attempt? You call this an attempt when I am talking to you?"

"You're avoiding the question," I accuse him.

"We went over this," he says. "I think you're hiding something. What normal girl wears glasses like that to school when they could afford better, and wear their hair in a bun, when it would look so much better down? Seriously though, you might actually look somewhat normal if your hair was down."

He reaches up, trying to undo my hair so he can see what it looks like down, but I duck out of the way, not wanting my wavy brown hair to spill down my back. Sure I love it down, but it defeats the purpose of trying to be invisible, since being invisible means not being hurt.

"Why keep it up?" he asks, giving up trying to get it down.

"Why so interested in my hair?" I ask, giving a question back to him other then replying. He just shrugs his shoulders. "Well you shouldn't waste your time talking to a whore like me. We don't want rumors going around of Mr. Heart Break Bad Boy hanging out with The Outcast, now do we?" 

We both stop in the hallway in front of the door to my classroom. People rush around us like a pebble in a stream, but everyone looking at us since it was Alex Johnson, the man with girls swooning after him.

"Okay, so you're not a whore. Then what are you?" He looks me deep in the eyes as he says this, but then just turns around and walks to his class. He walks away from me not like he's mad, but like he wants me to think about what he just said.

What am I?

I'm was just the outcast at my old school because I was different. I have weird bright green eyes that people found creepy and a weird thing for art. I was weird. I was the outcast.

At this school, I'm the geeky outcast. Not because I'm different am I an outcast, but because I'm dull, which I have to agree with. I live a pretty boring life, but a little bit of a difficult one.

I walk into the art room, my favorite class of the day. Mrs. Prior is a little bit of an artsy hippy, but I love her dearly. She knows that I express my pain in my art and guides me in ways to do that; to put emotion in my art.

Today we work on wire figure sculptures that are about 4 inches tall. I stink at sculpting, and they had to be like doing an action, which made it more difficult. I decided to do John Bender at the end of The Breakfast Club when he has his fist in the air.

That movie means a lot to me because it makes you realize we are all crazy. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all.

It also shows that outcasts can be with jocks, and bad boys can be with good girls. Well good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught, right?

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