20- Addictions and Dreams

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"Today we will be learning about addictions to things such as drugs and drinking. We'll do a brief view today and continue the rest after break," our Health teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth begins the class. "On the piece of paper on your desk, I want you to write your addiction or addictions. We are all addicted to something; for some people it just doesn't harm us."

I look down at my paper and write down my two true addictions.

1. Art.

2. Bands.

That was almost two easy.

I look to my right to see Alex smiling as he writes down his. His is probably like his guitar or something.

"Pass them to the right when you're done with your name on top. Please don't fold them," Mrs. Elizabeth says. I pass my mine to Alex and he reads it, not that I care. He smiles at it and nods his head in understanding.

Once Mrs. Elizabeth gets all of them she asks us,"Does anyone not want theirs read? I will be saying your name along with it."

No one seems to object to the idea, so Mrs. Elizabeth stands in front of the class and reads out our addictions. "Jack, Cereal." Class laughs at that one. "Mona, my guitar. Aurora, art and bands. Alex-"

Mrs. Elizabeth freezes and smiles at Alex. "We will skip that one. Daryl..."

She continues down the list but all I can think about is what his addiction is.

Finally after class as we walk to lunch I ask him. "What did you write down for your addiction?"

"You really want to know?" he smirks at me making me roll my eyes.

"It's been killing me!"


"What?" I ask him. I don't think I heard him right.

"I wrote down Aurora Jacobson," he explains with a small smile appearing on his face but he won't look at me as we continue to walk to lunch. "I always think of you before I fall asleep. The words you say, the way you look at me. I think about the jokes we've shared, our moments together. When I dream, I dream of you, and I wake up knowing that I need to see you each and every day. Because it's about you; it's always been you."

He finally looks at me and his smile breaks at my face. That's when I reach up and feel a single tear running down my cheek. I finally just pause in the hallway and stare at the boy in front of me. "You need to stop doing this to me. You make me so happy, Alex. You should know that by now, but each and every day you make me happier and happier."

"That's my job, sweetheart." Alex smiles as he swings his arm around me and we walk into the lunch room. I continue to wipe my eyes beneath the glasses since I don't want them to know I've been crying over some stupid boy that continues to break my heart with his words each and every day.

We walk into the lunch room and most people turn to look since they all look up to "Mr. Cool Alex". We continue to walk and Alex waves at a couple people, but I just scoot closer to Alex. Ugh I hate lunch rooms.

"Hey, Azalea," I finally get out as I slip out of Alex's arm and sit down next to her and Jenny. Alex walks over to talk to Sebastian and I'm glad. I'm so lost right now. On the other side of the table sits Derek, and him, Azalea, and Jenny are all grinning like idiots.

"So, Aurora," Azalea smirks at me. "Got anything new going on today that you want to tell us?"

I just simply shake my head and then just smack my head on the table when I realize I forgot to pack a lunch. I lift up my head and ask anyone if they can share. Before they can even nod they're heads, a brown bag full of food lands in front of me.

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