26- Fall For You

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Why does he want to be with Katherine so bad?

I realized immediately they must have been speaking of Katherine. What scared me the most though, was how I wished he wanted me, not her. Maybe Azalea was right. Maybe I actually do like him. It really wouldn't be a surprise. He's the only thing that is on my mind anymore, I just don't want to fall for him.

I'll just end up broken.

I hold the tears back as I lean against the railing, listening to teenagers party to some Christmas music that they started playing.

It's another moment where I feel like an outcast. I feel lonely.

I at least try to enjoy the cool breeze that blows across my back, as it helps calm me down a little.

"I can hear you thinking."

I turn around at those familiar words, and see Alex standing there in a suit with a bow tie. He looks perfect. Beautiful. Breathtaking.

I lean my back against the railing and attempt a smile at him. I wonder how long he's been standing there, staring at me. He smiles back, his looking equally as strained.

He walks over and leans against the railing next to me, just staring at the people dance. I finally turn around and stare back out across the river, amazed how something that looks so frozen, so dead, can actually be so alive.

I finally look up at Alex to see that he's staring back at me.

"You look amazing," he tells me quietly. Unlike Hunter, he's not looking at the dress. He stares straight into my eyes. "You look beautiful."

"You don't look to bad yourself," I actually smile for real at him, making him laugh at me. I still continue to blush at his comment. He's never been afraid to tell a girl that she is beautiful. It's another thing that makes him so perfect.

Before we can exchange any more words, a beautiful piano starts playing the intro to a song I've never heard. Alex immediately smiles and stands up straight facing me.

"I think this song fits us," he smiles at me as he holds his hand out. "May I have this dance?"

I have never really been at a loss of words when I'm around Alex, but I am now. I simply nod my head and put my hand in his.

Instead of dancing like I did with Hunter, Alex decides to go the classic route. I place one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand. He places his other hand on my hip, and we dance perfectly in time with each other like we've done this before.

We don't care that we aren't dancing on the dance floor where every could see us. We aren't dancing for them; we're dancing for ourselves.

I try to listen to the lyrics, but Alex easily distracts me when he reaches up to my hair and pulls out the hair clip that was keeping my hair up and it tumbles down my back.

"It has always looked better down," he smiles at me as he gently runs a hand through my hair, making my heart skip a beat. "And you look beautiful without those glasses covering your eyes."

"I think I'm done wearing those," I tell him. "They weren't actually real glasses anyways."

"Why did you wear them then?" Alex laughs at my doing of wearing things I don't need.

"Another story for another time," I say to him quietly as I stare up at the stars in the clear sky.

Neither of us say anything, and I begin to wonder what he meant by "this song fits us", so I listen to the lyrics.

Oh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

I become very serious about the lyrics and how we are like them. What does he mean? He wanted to be with Katherine anyway.

"Where's Katherine?" I finally have the guts to ask.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Dancing with someone."

I get it.

I'm his second choice. He likes Katherine, but, as that argument showed, he can't dance with her because she is with someone else. So I become his next choice.

I guess I'll never be anyone's first choice, even when they're mine.

"Are you okay?" Alex asks me, not hiding how concerned he is about me, which makes my heart flutter.

I pull myself closer to him and I lean my head against his chest, and he quickly holds me close to his heart, and I hear it beat faster.

"I feel like a weirdo," I admit to him. "I don't know anyone here, I haven't even seen Sebastian yet, I look terrifying, I don't feel too well, and I want to cry and I don't even have a reason too."

My voice cracks at the last one and Alex stops dancing.

"And you like someone else," I think to myself.

He just crushes me against his chest and rubs my bare back with his hand, raising goose bumps on my skin.

"Shhhh," he whispers in my ear. "You are the most beautiful girl here. All the guys stare at you as you past. Even I'm not dumb enough to see that."

Instead of saying anything, I just look up at him and attempt a smile.

"Now let's go see Bass," he tells me. He leads me, with his hand on the small of my back, to where Sebastian and Azalea talk. Everyone stares as we pass, but the guys avert their eyes when they see me with Alex.

Sebastian looks away from Azalea for a moment, and he freezes when he sees me. I smile at him and he immediately smiles back. He also went the black bow tie route, and looks just as good. We walks towards us and quickly hugs the living daylights out of me.

"Alex has been looking everywhere for you," Sebastian whispers in my ear so no one else hears. "I bet he's wishing he asked you here right now."

I look up at him sadly and shake my head. He immediately knows what I mean, and hugs me so hard in his reply. He finally releases me and Azalea comes and gives me a side hug.

"You better tell me everything," she whispers in my ear and I nod my head.

"I'll go get us something to drink," Alex announces, and Azalea quickly agrees to help him. Sebastian tells them we are going to go towards the edge of the pavilion before they leave and they agree to meet us there.

Sebastian leads me just like Alex did with his hand on the small of my back. We walk over to a marble pillar near the edge and lean against it.

"I know someone has already told you tonight," Sebastian says as he looks at me," but you one of the most beautiful girls here. And just so you know, in my books, there is nothing above beautiful."

I blush at his comment and thank him. "Azalea looks beautiful too," I nudge his shoulder as he stares at Azalea talking to Jenny near the punch.

"Oh I know," he groans. "We already danced tonight, and I truthfully think I'm falling for her."

"You should move fast before someone else takes her," I inform him.

"Well she still needs to realize that she likes me," he says, practically to himself. "Same with Alex to you. They don't even realize they like us."

"You sound pretty confident," I tell him.

"Well I have a small plan."

"And what would that be?" I ask him suspiciously.

Sebastian points up and I groan.

There seriously just had to be mistletoe above us?

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