14- Don't Deserve Him

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"Breakfast for my sweetheart."

I look up from my locker to see Alex standing there holding two waffles with Nutella in the middle.

"It's a Nutella Waffle Sandwich," he explains. "Eat up."

He hands it to me and my stomach rumbles at the reminder that there wasn't anything to eat this morning. He smiles and I happily take the sandwich.

"This is delicious," I say with a mouthful of the sandwich. It's like chocolatey deliciousness. I love it.

"Thank you. It's a Johnson family recipe. Oh and I got you a job."

"A what?!?!" I scream at him.

"A job," he shrugs his shoulders. "Azalea's dad owns a chain of expensive fancy restaurants and they need a new waitress. You don't even need an interview. They just need a reliable girl who has good grades, which happens to be you. Good paycheck too. I checked."

"Thanks," I say shyly. I feel horrible having to rely on him like this.

"I just know that you really need the money," he explains to me as I finish the Nutella Waffle Sandwich in record time.

Before I grab my books I turn to Alex and give him the usual hug involving my arms choking his neck and him picking me up.

"Thank you," I whisper into his ear and I can practically feel him smiling.

"You guys are too cute."

He finally sets me down and we turn to see Azalea there with her phone out, obviously having taken a picture of us.

Alex rolls his eyes and walks over to say hi to Sebastian and Azalea. I grab my books out of my locker and walk over to my new almost-friends.



"I don't need that."

 "I know you don't have any," Alex sighs in annoyance. "As your almost-friend, I have bestowed it upon myself to feed you. No if's and's or but's."

"Fine," I sigh as I take the brown sandwich bag from him. He slings his arm that isn't carrying anything around my shoulders and turns me around. "What-"

"You are not eating in the library," Alex laughs. "You can sit with Azalea, Bass, and I."


"What did I say before?"

I sigh. "No if's and's or but's."

"Perfect," he smiles down at me before we walk into the cafeteria.

I don't think I have ever been in here. It was so loud and filled with annoying teenagers that it scared me. There are seniors at the bigger tables and younger grades at the other ones. The senior tables are the loudest and have the largest/scariest people.

I try to stop myself from walking in there but Alex pushes me forward. "It'll be okay. You're okay. I'm okay. It's all okay."

I relax a little bit at Alex's positive words, but I'm still internally freaking out. We walk up to a table with more "popular" kids.


I am such an idiot.

Sometimes I get so caught up in my own world that I forget that everybody here knows and loves Alex. Sometimes I get so caught up in Alex that I forget that I'm a nobody.

"This is Aurora," Alex announces to the table full of seniors. They all turn to look at me; some glare, some smile. "If anyone touches her, they will go through me, so please me nice to her."

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