10- Not Cared For

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I wake up with a red nose and red ears, even though my hood was up, and small snowflakes just beginning to fall. I pull out a watch and see that it's already 6 and school starts at 7:30. Luckily, people are already in the park so I'll look fine walking out of Central Park.

I walk down the street in the cold to the school since school isn't too far from Central Park.

I never really use my locker, so I just so happen to have an extra change of clothes in it. I take them out and change in the bathroom since school doesn't start yet.

I slip on a new pair of skinny jeans and a random t-shirt and run a comb through my wild hair. Luckily I still have my glasses on. I took my contacts out last night, so I search in my bag for a new pair. I find them and quickly pop them in.

I don't bother putting my hair in a bun. Because of the motorcycle rides, I've started wearing it down more, but I like it better this way.

I slip Alex's hoodie back on since I still have a red nose and numb hands. I really am in love with his hoodie and it still smells like him.

"What's with the hoodie, Rudolph?"

I turn to see Alex walking towards me with a smirk on his face.

That jerk. Even if I like his hoodie, I still hate his guts right now.

"Trying to stay warm," I state rudely, storming past him.

He grabs my arm, forcing me to turn around and face him. "What's your problem now, sweetheart?"

"What's my problem?" I raise my voice. "What's my problem? You. You're my problem."

I try to leave him, but he grabs me again.

"Seriously. What's the problem?" he asks, partially sounding a little bit concerned.

"You don't get it, do you?" I accuse him, angry beyond compare so people are starting to stare at us. "I lost my job, sweetie," I spit out. "Because of you. And you know what that means?"

I don't wait for him to reply.

"I'm starving, Alex. No money, no food," I tell him, my voice becoming much quieter. Tears begin to form at the corners of my eyes.

I tear my arm out of his grasp and storm past him.

"Well it's not my fault nobody cares for you!" he shouts after me.

I freeze.

You don't talk to someone like that. I don't care if this is an argument; that was low. Too low.

I spin around and glare at him standing a couple feet away, seeming unfazed at the words he said me.

"That's right isn't it?" I scream at him, letting a tear stream down my face.

"Aurora," he says calmly, taking a step towards me. I take a step back and he looks hurt at my rejection.

"I'm not cared for, right?" I scream at him, my face getting red.

"You know what else, Alex?" I say quietly so he can hear me and some other people staring at us. "Maybe there's a reason nobody cares about me."

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