7- Where's Your Food?

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Now we all know what it feels like to skip a meal. Sure "skinny girls" or "attempting to be a skinny" girls do it a lot, and I will admit I do it sometimes too. This hunger was different.

 I didn't eat lunch or dinner since for some reason there was literally no food in the house. My father did somehow manage to eat out with his own money, but isn't willing to feed his own daughter.

I woke up late on Monday morning, so even if I could eat breakfast, I didn't have time to do it.

Let's just put it that I was a complete wreck because I haven't eaten and I barely slept.

"You look like shit."

"Thanks," I grumble as Alex walks next to me as I head to the library for lunch since I don't have any food anyway. Ugh.

"Where are you going? I have learned that we have the same lunch, but lunch room is the other way," he informs me, once again not understanding that I'd rather be left alone.

"Library," I tell him. As you can tell, I'm in a really bad mood, so obviously I don't want to have a conversation with Alex.

"Where's your food?" he asks, kind of rudely, but that's Alex for you. "You can't have lunch without food."

"Don't have one," I inform him, anger seeping into my voice since I'm still pretty mad at him for... Well... Just being here.

"Wait." Alex sticks his hand out, stopping me in the middle of a busy hallway. He looks down at me curiously and I just glare at him. "What did you eat for breakfast?"

I just stare at the ground. I am actually really ashamed of the fact that I live in a dump compared to a lot of kids here and that I can't even afford to eat sometimes.

Alex takes a step forward and I can now see how concerned he is about this situation.

"When was the last time you ate?" he asks me quietly, not wanting to attract attention.

"I ate breakfast," I reply, looking up into his beautiful light brown eyes, making my legs turn to jello. He's gorgeous. Ugh, stupid hormones.

"But you just told me you didn't!" he exclaims. Now he's really confused about the situation.

"Yesterday's breakfast," I explain quietly. "I ate yesterday's breakfast. That was the last thing I ate."

He stares at me for a couple seconds before he grabs my arm and drags me down the hallway.

"Hey! What is this!" I yell at him as I swat his arm. He would normally smile at my little bit of crazy, but he's no where near smiling right now. His eye brows are furrowed in concentration, completely oblivious of my fighting.

I finally give up and just walk beside him. He stops in front of my locker.

"Put your books in," he says firmly. It is obviously not an option. I open up my locker and put all my books in. I see Alex's hoodie in my locker since I meant to return it to him today. "Here," I tell him as I hand it to him and he takes it.

"Why?" I finally ask as we begin to walk to the entrance,  wondering what he is doing.

"When was the last time you ate out?" he asks me randomly.

"4 months ago?" I say, still not sure of how long ago. I think it was when I got early to work and was hungry so I ate at the diner next store.

"Who took you?" he asks as we walk out the entrance of the school. There's some juniors and seniors walking around since they're the only ones who are allowed to eat off campus, but some sophmores and freshmen sneak off campus to eat, too.

"Where are we going?" I ask, ignoring his question. He better not be kidnapping me. That would not be very nice.

Okay that would be very evil to kidnap a poor girl like me.

"I thought I made it obvious. I'm taking you out to eat."

"Oh," I reply. I wrap my arms around me since I'm only wearing a sweatshirt. I am such an idiot. I need a lot more clothing now.

"You are such an idiot," he tells me with a small smile as he tosses his hoodie to me which I quickly slip on, instantly warm.

He hops on his bike and I hop on after him. I slide my hands around his torso since I know it is no longer an option to ride without arms around him. He would make me do it anyway.

"You can keep it," he tells me as he starts the bike, making everyone look at us. How odd we must look. An outcast on the back of the Heartbreaker's bike. Lots of jealous girls I bet.

"You look better in it anyway," he says, and before I know it, we are hurdling down the street, just like we did Friday.

And I can't help feel this is the closet I will ever be to flying.

But it's enough for me.

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