5- Take a Hoodie

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"This is sooo hard!"

"No it's not!"

"Fine then. It's so boring!"

"That I can agree with."

We haven't gotten a lot done sadly and it's been hours. We decided on Romeo and Juliet, and we've been reading through the script trying to find a good scene, but we've had no luck, thanks to Alex's great focus.

"You want food?" he asks me after he gets back from his mini break. "I want food."

"Alex," I complain, "we need to focus."

"I hate focusing!" he yells at me as he collapses back onto the bed. I shake my head at him and smile. This has been going on for the past couple hours; us getting nowhere, and him complaining.

I check the time and realize it's 7:30 already and I'm working the 8 o'clock shift.

"Shit, I gotta go," I tell Alex as I get all of my stuff together speedy fast.

Alex's eyes go wide and I give him a questioning face. What's he so surprised about?

"You swear?" he asks, still astonded by my language.

I shrug. "Only sometimes when it's necessary. Like right now. I'm gonna be late." I swing my book bag onto my shoulder and get off the bed. "When should we meet again?"

"Um Monday?" he asks. "My place?"

"Um yeah that should work," I tell him. "Well it was nice attempting to work with you."

He smiles at this and gets off the bed. "Let me walk you out."

What's with this gentleman side of Alex? Never thought he had it in him. I nod my head and we walk to his front door.

"You sure you can walk?" Alex asks. He's been bugging me about this ever since I mentioned that I can walk home since it's only 2 blocks, which I can totally do.

"Yes I'll be fine," I exasperate.

"At least take a hoodie," he tells me as he passes me a navy blue hoodie from the coat rack. I can tell that he's not going to let me say no to this.

"Thanks," I sigh and head out the door with Alex's hoodie.

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