31- Regrets

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After my confession, Azalea easily persuaded her parents to let me stay in their house for as long as I needed. So I crashed in the guest room, and Azalea quickly makes it feel like it is my own room. She gets me clothes to wear and everything I could possibly need.

There were still some things at the apartment that I want though. So I easily decid I need to get some things.

"I'm gonna go for a walk!" I shout for anyone to listen as I walk out the door.

I walk as fast as I can, not wanting it to be dark by the time I got home. I climb the fire escape and sneak as silently as I can into my bedroom. As I look up, my breath stops.

All of the canvases that I had up on my wall or sketches have been thrown on the ground and torn to shreds. I can't believe it.

"I knew you'd come back," I hear him growl at me, practically furious that I came back. He stands in the doorway. He looks awful like he hasn't slept in days and has just been drinking. "So I destroyed those awful things you make."

"That's called art," I inform him through clenched teeth.

He simply scoffs at me and walks towards me. He smells so strongly of alcohol that my nose crinkles. He disgusting.

"You really shouldn't have left me," he growls as he approaches. "That was unreasonable. Completely unreasonable!"

"You're unreasonable!" I scream at him right before his hand comes down, slapping my cheek hard, but I stand my ground.

"You call yourself a father," I spit out and he hits me again.

"Yeah well you're a poor excuse for a daughter," he snarls.

"I just want to get my stuff," I tell him as calmly as I can. "Then I will be gone forever. You'll never have to see me again. I promise."

"Oh well you're not leaving without a mark," he smiles evilly at me and I know I'm done for.


"Shit," I mutter under my breath as I attempt to clean the wound with alcohol. You forget how much it seems to hurt in the movies.

"Aurora?" I hear Azalea yell from downstairs.

"I'm up here!" I shout back. "I'm just um not feeling well. I think I'm gonna go to bed."

"Okay," she calls back. "Goodnight."

I turn off my light to make it seem that I'm going to bed. I turn on the flashlight on my iPhone that I just got back from my little trip. I head back to the bathroom attached to my room. I decide to just take a shower to get all of the blood off, but I quickly regretted that, seeing that I stung all over from the water getting in the cuts.

I mend myself up the best I can, hoping I look okay. I put on Alex's hoodie that I still have and long pajama pants to try to cover as much as I can in case someone sees me. I let my hair down too, trying to just cover everything.

I slowly lower myself onto the bed, careful not to move too fast.

I begin to sleep so I forget if I'm actually dreaming or not because it feels so real. Let's just say I dreamt of what happened tonight, so I woke up crying.

I know I wasn't going to fall asleep again, and finally I get this feeling that he isn't done and is going to go searching for me. I become so paranoid that I find myself in the corner of my room on the floor after I locked the window and the door. I don't think he could come in, but I'm not taking chances.

I don't sleep the whole night, just staring into space and left with my own thoughts. At 4 in the morning, I quickly grab my iPhone and earphones and listen to music. I listen to the Four album from One Direction that Azalea got me for late Christmas presents.

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