~Chapter 18~

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These next couple of chapters are going to be very deep. You guys are going to somewhat get a chance to know a part of me.


"NAILA YOU HAVE TO FIGHT," Crystal screams to the top of her lungs. "Please fight for me," she sobs holding Naila's lifeless hand in hers.

Immediately a team of doctors burst into the room, one grabbing Crystal to remove her from the room.

They begin talking in their code and grabbing the equipment needed to revive her. It was all happening so fast that it took a minute for Crystal to register that she was being removed.

"NO I'M NOT LEAVING HER! LET ME GO." She fights, punching and scratching one of the male doctors, but to no avail.

The doctor tries his best to calm her... leading her into the waiting room where the Jackson family and Naila and Crystal's grandfather waited.

Michael was the first to see her and he quickly jumps up from his seat. "Crys w-what's wrong," he stutters nervously.

"She stopped breathing Michael. I was talking to her and out of no where she flatlined," she sobs harder on the floor. The family quickly gather around Crystal to find out the news and she looks up to see Michael sprinting down the hallway...


2 weeks earlier
Saturday evening

A week had passed since the night Michael asked Naila to be his.

It was only a matter of days before the word got around school. Many saw it coming, some were envious, and most were genuinely happy for them. Not that it really mattered though because nothing was going to stop the strong connection they'd built.

Everyone in their families knew it was bound to happen. Crystal and Janet both being the ones who knew from the beginning. They actually weren't surprised at all compared to Michael's other siblings. They were shocked at first until sudden realizations began to occur. Like the times they caught Michael gazing at her adoringly—or her always wanting to be around him. The only person that didn't see it coming was...

"I just can't believe you guys are actually a couple," Sierra says pulling out her homecoming outfit from her bag.

When Sierra found out she didn't believe it at first—at all. It took her seeing them kiss each other goodbye for her to actually believe it. But she still hadn't stopped talking about it. Even still till this moment...

"Si, you've been repeating that since I told you on Monday," Naila groans, just waking up from a cat nap. The school week had been so gruesome on her for absolutely no reason.

"Yeah because I did not see this coming and I'm almost always around you guys..."

Naila yawns, holding her arms out to let out a much needed stretch. "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't see it coming either."

Sitting up and grabbing her cane, Naila goes to use the restroom. When she walks out Sierra asks, "Pink or white?"

"Hmm I'd say white," Naila responds walking back over to her bed to sit down. She begins getting back under her covers until Sierra stops her.

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