~Chapter 15~

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Two weeks had passed and Naila and Michael were nearly done with their project. This was their last day before projects had to be submitted in the morning. They had been working with some of the choir students for the project—recording their different vocal ranges and finalizing the data.

"I'm doing all of the sopranos, mezzo sopranos, and altos. You mister are doing all of the tenors, baritones, and bass," Naila says, and Michael begins writing down what she's said.

"Got it! Now, do you want me to play the tape over again?"

"Crystal should be up any minute now with our dinner so we can take a break." Naila places her notebook to the side of her and sighs resting her head on Michael's shoulder. "I'm sleepy."

Michael lies his head atop of hers saying, "I feel you on that one Nai but we have to finish."

"Can we just turn it in the way it is?" Naila groans causing Michael to laugh.

"At that point we'd be asking for atleast a D and we are both A+ students."

"Doesn't that mean we can get one bad grade and still get an A by the end of the school year?" Naila questions.

"Did I just hear you guys talk about bad grades? Who's getting bad grades right now?" Crystal questions, entering the room with two plates in hand.

"Nobody Crys, Naila's being silly as usual," Michael says while Crystal hands him a plate. He grabs Naila's plate and places it in her hand. "This smells delicious Crystal, thank you."

"Yeah, thanks Crys," Naila chimes in lifting her head off of Michael's shoulder.

"No problem. You kids enjoy." Crystal leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

The two begin eating their food in silence savoring the flavors Crystal was able to muster up into one dish. That is when a thought arises in Naila's head.

"Michael can you cook?"

"Yes, I believe so," Michael swallows the last of his food and places his plate to the side. "I like my food."

Naila snickers,"So let me guess—your family doesn't?"

"To be honest I think they're just hating," he laughs. "Janet says she likes my steak and mashed potatoes though."

"I'll have to try for myself to be the judge of that," Naila says, then sighs. "I'm full."

"Me too," Michael counters. "I'll take these downstairs and I'll be back up so we can finish."

Michael grabs Naila's plate out of her hand and gets up, taking both plates to the kitchen. On his way down he hears Crystal talking over the phone. He doesn't really pay attention until something he hears grasps his attention.

"I'm going to let her get it done Nana," Crystal breathes, through the receiver. "I've done almost all of the thinking I've needed to do."

Michael's excitement skyrocketed through the roof as he heard Crystal agreeing to letting Naila get her procedure done. He'd been waiting on this moment for so long. For Naila to finally see him.

"All we have to do is pray... pray that nothing happens to her and we have to find the best doctors for this procedure to be done... Yeah I'm thinking maybe for her birthday in two—Nana you okay?"

Michael didn't stay for long as he quickly placed the dishes in the sink and quickly went back upstairs to the room.

"Took you long enough," Naila yawns. "Made me think you ditched me to go home."

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