~Chapter 11~

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The next couple of weeks went by rather quickly. Both Michael and Naila were trying to avoid each other as much as possible. Naila now had another reason to avoid Michael, though she tried convincing herself otherwise. As for Michael, he was embarrassed by their encounter by the restrooms. Both individuals had the same cause for their reason. Amelia.

"I hope I get paired with you for this project because if I get paired with anyone else I won't do it," Sierra says to Naila. She closes her locker and hooks her arm with Naila's.

"Si, you know that man is not going to let us be partners. He knows we're really close. Besides, what about if you get paired with Kofi?"

"That's the only other person I would rather get paired with. Everyone else in that class we either don't like or we're trying to avoid."

Naila laughs at her friend as they enter the classroom. Michael notices her presence as soon as they walk in and stares, but his view is quickly ruined by Sierra clearing her throat. She fake smiles and waves to him before helping Naila into her seat.

"Staring again?" Naila asks, feigning annoyance.

Sierra scoffs, followed by a chuckle. "You know it. This has been going on since the first day of school. What exactly doesn't he get?"

"He never gives up I guess," Naila speaks, knowing all too well the truth about her words.

"Alright class the bell has rung which means its partner time." The class immediately erupts into a unison of groans followed by some mumbles. "Or you all can do this project by yourselves and I will triple the work."

"I would rather that than being stuck with anyone in this class other than you," Naila whispers to Sierra.

"I thought so. Now, shall we get these partners going?" Mr. Miller asks, pulling out his clipboard. "Once I call out the names, you will go to your partner and begin discussing your project."

"Here we go."

Miller began calling out different partners and everyone was pretty much ecstatic with who they were getting.

"Sierra and Kofi..."

"Nai I got Kofi!" Sierra almost screams but gathers herself quickly. "Wait but that means the only people left are-"

"Naila and Michael, the last two on my list. Saved two of my smartest students last," Mr. Miller smiles placing his clipboard down on his desk. "Now, meet with your partners."

All of the students begin getting up playing musical chairs to get with their partners. Michael nervously looks over at Naila then begins gathering his things. On his way to Naila's desk he makes a pit stop at Mr. Miller's desk.

Mr. Miller looks up from his papers at Michael, giving him his undivided attention. "Is everything okay Michael?"

Michael swallows, taking a deep breath. "No. I mean y-yes everything is okay." Mr. Miller frowns gesturing his hand for him to proceed. "Is there any way I can get another partner?"

"Son, I took my time making this list. Actually, it took me a week to make this list because I wanted to make sure I paired students that would challenge each other. You and Naila are my smartest students as I have said earlier. There are no other partners, sorry."

Michael sighs, nodding as he turns on his heels to head to Naila's desk. He looks up to see Sierra giving him a death glare. She points her two fingers to her eyes, then directs them back to him.

'Ive got my eyes on you', she mouths, then turns back to Kofi.

Michael nods in her direction taking the empty seat right next to Naila. They both sit silently and though Naila can't see him, she can feel his presence.

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