~Chapter 7~

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"Well?" Brittany folds her arms, waiting for Michael to respond.

"Well she was cold and being the nice person I am, I offered her my jacket."

"Your varsity jacket though? The one that means so much to you Michael?" She asks, faking as if she's hurt by it.

Naila stood silently between the couple listening to the nonsense coming from Brittany—all over a jacket.

Michael shrugs, uncaring of what Brittany has just said. "Yes it means a lot to me, but like I said Britt, she was cold." Then Michael scoffs followed by a chuckle and looks directly at Brittany. "I really don't have to explain anything to you, especially when you were all over Zach this morning."

Naila accidentally gasps which catches the attention of both Brittany and Michael. She remembered the conversation that Brittany had with one of her friends in the bathroom about Zach. Michael caught them together this morning? So why is he still with her?

"What are you gasping for bitch?" Brittany spits.

"Brittany you will not call her that name again! Do you hear me?!" Michael gives her a warning look and her eyes widen.

"Michael—Baby are you defending her now?"

"I am doing what's right, so if that's what you want to call it then that's what it is."

Naila softly smiles then clears her throat to grab their attention. "I'm going back into class now."

"No you're not because we're not done here," Brittany says, taking a step towards her. Michael stands in front of Naila as a shield and Brittany frowns. "Babe—"

"Brittany go back to class. Now." Michael says sternly, interrupting her coming statement.

"We'll talk about this later Michael." She walks past Michael and says to Naila, "this certainly isn't over Naila."

"Now Brittany!"

Once Brittany was out of sight, Michael turned around to Naila. "I'm sorry again about her—"

"Thank you for defending me Michael."

"Oh that? That was nothing Naila. Could you believe she wanted to argue over a jacket?"

Naila snickers, "I didn't want to be the one to say it. But hey—that's your girl."

"Not for long," Michael mumbles, or thinks he does, but Naila hears him. "I should be getting to class and you little lady need to get back to math."

"I was trying to but your little girlfriend stopped me."

"She's not stopping you now," Michael smiles.

"You're right, she isn't—but you are," she smirks.

"But I told you that you should—"

"Michael I should be getting back to class now." Naila says, smiling.

"I'll talk to you later?" Michael asks holding the classroom door open for her.

"Maybe." Naila continues smiling to herself as she slowly walks inside to her desk.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you Ms. Banks." Michael calls from outside of the classroom.

"Get to class Jackson!" Ms. Banks chuckles, then continued with her lesson.

He really defended me. Naila thought as she tried listening to Ms. Banks. But, she couldn't help thinking about Michael and the uncontrollable feeling she was beginning to form for him.

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