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"Whew," Marella sat down after a particularly exhausting, yet completely invigorating, training session with Linh.

She guzzled down the rest of the water in her water bottle. Marella gaped at Linh. "How do you not need to have a drink right now?"

Linh laughed. "You keep forgetting that I'm a Hydrokinetic - I pull the water out of the air."

"You can do that?" Marella's jaw dropped open.

"Yes." Linh suddenly looked down.

"Hey, what is it?" Marella asked, gently touching her shoulder.

"I-I have something I want to tell you," Linh said, her shoulders straightening.

"Okay . . . go on," Marella prompted.

"This might disgust you," Linh warned.

"What?" Now Marella was a little worried.

"I think - I think that I like you. Meaning that I have a crush on you."

A slow grin spread over Marella's face. "You're serious?" she asked.

Linh nodded. "And I know that I might lose our friendship, but I really wanted you to know."

"Linh, seriously, it's fine, because -"

Linh looked up. "Because . . . why?"

"Because I have a crush on you, too."

"Wait - wait, you're not, like, mad at me, or disgusted at me?"

Marella laughed and took Linh's hand, sparks erupting as Linh ran her fingers over Marella's knuckles. "Yes!"

"So are we . . .?" Linh began.

"Like, girlfriend and girlfriend?" Marella finished.

Linh nodded. "I mean, we can be. But I'm just - I'm not sure how many people I want to know just yet."

Marella shrugged. "We'll take it slow. We don't have to tell anyone yet. Except for maybe Tam. I have a feeling that he'd have to know."

Linh chuckled. "He . . . already knows. That I'm . . . you know."

"That's great, Linh," Marella told her.

"I know, I'm so lucky."

"Well," Marella said, "I am, too."

"And why is that?" Linh asked slyly.

"Because I have you."

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