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"Hey, Linh!"

"Sophie!" Linh's sweet personality took over, and she ran to give Sophie a hug. "I can't believe it - you're alive!"

Sophie laughed and looked down at herself. "I am! Thankfully. It took a lot out of me, but I'm here."

"So . . ." Linh started anxiously. "It's done, right? The Neverseen is . . . they're over?"

Sophie broke into a wide smile; she almost couldn't believe it. "Yeah. And, um, there was something I realized, before, y'know, we finally captured them."

Linh looked at Sophie curiously. "What was that?"

"It's that - I can't take life for granted. I have to appreciate what's right in front of me, while I can. I want to . . . say the things I need to say, just in case I never have any time."

"Sophie, what are you talking about? We have all the time in the world, now that the Neverseen is gone." Linh grabbed Sophie's arm, and threw one of her own out, as if to say that they could finally take things slow.

"What I meant is that, while I have millions of years to live, I don't want to just waste them, waiting for someone else to do something and for me to act on it, which is why I need to tell you something."

Linh nodded. "Okay, out with it then."

Sophie started pacing, but then stopped and looked Linh right in the face. "I have a crush on you, Linh Song. I want to be with you, because that's who I am."

Linh walked over to Sophie and threw her arms around her. "I thought you'd never say," she whispered.

"Good," Sophie said softly. "Good and good."

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