More Glam (kind of)

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*sigh* bc of that first oneshot requested, I made this. It doesn't have Glimmer in it, but I figured I'd put it here anyway, since it's Tiergan and Tam talking about it. (Also, these oneshots inspired me, so I made a fanfic, from Tam's POV, so yeah.)

"So what happened today?" Tiergan asked casually, when they had gotten back from the Neverseen's storehouse.

Bo had already taken Glimmer back to her room, but Tam and Tiergan had decided to stay in the living room.

Tam looked up, surprised. "We told you about the storehouse, didn't we? What else would have happened?"

Tiergan, observant as ever, smiled. "I saw that before Sophie got here, Bo had been excused from standing inside of her room."

Tam looked down, blushing a little. He didn't regret anything, but he didn't know what was going to happen with Glimmer just yet.

Tam stayed silent.

"So nothing happened?" Tiergan asked.

Tam cleared his throat and shook his head slightly. "Nothing." His voice also sounded a bit squeaky. Ugh.

"Tam, I know all about teenage hormones," Tiergan said. "And let me tell you, I can tell that you and Glimmer are pretty special to each other."

Tam groaned good naturedly. "You're not going to leave me alone until I tell you, are you?"

Tiergan smiled. "Not a chance," he said without skipping a beat.

"She asked me not to say," he told Tiergan.

"Say that she showed you her face?" Tiergan asked.

Tam was surprised. "How'd you know that?"

"Like I said, I'm a dad. I can tell when stuff happens."

"Oh, right." Tam nodded absent mindedly.

"So go on with the story," Tiergan prompted.

And since Tiergan had already guessed the part Glimmer had asked him not to say, he did. Tam told him how good it felt to hold her, just to spend time with her. He didn't tell Tiergan everything, but he knew that Tiergan could fill in the gaps.

Tiergan whistled when Tam was finished. "That's some pretty special business right there. First kiss, huh?"

Tam nodded. "If I had to guess, it was her first, too," he admitted.

"That'd make sense. Next question: Are you going to tell Linh?"

Tam hesitated. "Is it bad that I don't know?"

"Not at all," Tiergan told him. "You don't have to tell your sister everything."

"It's just - it's such a rift between us. And I hate it," Tam admitted. "I don't want Glimmer to come between us, because of a romantic relationship I might have with her, but she already has."

"I think you need to talk to Linh. Talking with Glimmer probably won't help much because it's your relationship with Linh."

Tam nodded, even more puzzled.

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