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"Ruy! How many times have I told you?"

Ruy groaned. "Oh my gosh, Alvar. It doesn't matter. In case you forgot, I'm a Psionipath. I don't need survival skills."

Alvar gave him a look. "What about when you've lost all your energy, and you can't project force fields?"

Ruy threw back a look just as stony. "I can cause even the smallest force fields without much energy - enough to protect me."

"Not when you're nearly dead you can't."

"Well, I'm not going to be able to focus on survival skills if I'm nearly dead!"

Alvar had to concede there. He looked Ruy full in the face. He really was quite handsome. "Regardless, you need to be able to complete these and do them flawlessly. The Black Swan isn't teaching their precious little Moonlark to do this. It gives us an advantage over them. And don't you want to defeat them?"

Ruy looked down, but nodded, his jaw set.

Alvar sat down beside him. "Why do you want to defeat them?"

Ruy sighed. "I'm not ready to talk about it."

Alvar looked at his hand, wishing that he could take it and try to comfort Ruy. But he knew that Ruy wasn't ready yet.

But whenever he was, Alvar would be there. Ready.

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