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"Tam!" Linh screeched.

"Linh!" Tam yelled back.

But they were already carrying Linh off, as Keefe held Tam back.

The voices echoed in his head. "Tam! Tam!" Her voice bounced around his head, and he sunk to the ground, sobbing.

It was probably the first time he'd ever truly cried. "Why did you do that?" He snapped, wiping away the tears, and glaring at Keefe.

"Because they'd have killed you in a second."

"I can stand my ground," Tam argued.

"Maybe, but there were at least five of them and only two of us."

Tam sat down right on the ground, and Keefe put an arm around him. "It's going to be alright," he whispered to Tam. "We're going to get her back. We will."

Tam didn't respond, even though Keefe was touching him.

Without Linh, he didn't have anyone.

"Hey," Keefe said softly. "You have me."

Empaths. Tam didn't want to know Keefe's implications just yet. Now was not the time.

He couldn't stop himself from leaning his head onto Keefe's shoulder, though.

It would take a while. Getting Linh back, destroying the Neverseen for good, maybe even trying to develop a relationship with Keefe.

But Tam was ready to face it.

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