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"Biana." Tam blew out a nervous breath. "I have something I need to tell you. I like you. Meaning that I have a crush on you."

He looked in the mirror at himself. "Arg, no! That's not - ugh."

"Having trouble admitting your true feelings for Little Miss Sparkles?" Glimmer almost couldn't hold in a laugh as she watched him from the doorway."

Tam threw an eye roll at her. "Glimmer! What are you doing in here?"

"Watching you pathetically trying to admit your crush to a mirror."

Tam scowled at her. "Hey! It's hard."

"Pbbt. Oh, really? It's three words. It shouldn't be that hard, and if it is for you, then you are overcomplicating things."

"Hey, Tam, are you ready to go?" Linh swung in the doorway. She glanced at the girl next to her. "Hey, Glimmer. What has my brother been up to now?"

Tam threw Glimmer a look, as if daring her not to tell Linh, but of course, she didn't listen to him and turned to Linh. "He's trying to admit his crush to a mirror."

Linh sighed. "Really, Tam? You're doing this again? Just tell her already!"

"Oh, you're one to talk, Linh," Tam retorted. "And besides, I'm . . . going to tell her today."

Linh squealed and threw her arms around him, almost knocking him to the floor. "Finally!"

"But," Tam warned, "you don't get to know any details, unless something significant happens."

Linh pouted. "But -"


Glimmer laughed from the doorway. "You two are hilarious . . . and if you want to make it in time for Tam's Great Confession, you'd better hurry it up."

Tam groaned as Linh dragged him out the door and past Glimmer, who just watched them, shaking her head and smiling.

"Hey, Biana," Tam said.

Linh gestured to the rest of her friends, trying not to be caught by the two in the big clearing.

They all tiptoed to different hiding places. None of them wanted to miss this.

"Yeah?" Biana turned around, and smiled sweetly at Tam.

Linh pressed her lips together to keep from making a sound.

"I -," he sucked in a deep breath and then blurted out, "Ihaveacrushonyou."

Biana looked a little startled. "What?"

He spoke a little slower. "I have a crush on you."

Biana bit her lip and looked down, blushing a little. "Really?"

Tam nodded, smiling too. "Yeah. And I don't want to pressure you, or anything, so I'll leave it at that."

But before anything else could happen, Biana had pulled him into a big hug, and Linh could see her whispering something into his ear, and then he had swung her off her feet, cradling her, their foreheads pressed together.

And Linh couldn't help it anymore. "Omigosh, you guys are so cute!"

Tam let Biana down, staring down at Linh. "Really?"

She wasn't sorry, and smiled sweetly. "Yep!" She looked between Tam and Biana, who were both a little redder now.

"What're we, chopped liver?" Keefe called, and that seemed to spur everyone else into coming out.

Linh almost felt a little sorry for Tam and Biana.


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