Another Sokeefe - right after Unlocked

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"Keefe!" Sophie shouted over the roaring wind and rain.

He shook his head, mute.

"Keefe!" She repeated. "I'm not going home without you. I - I can't."

"He shook his head again, the rain plastering his hair to his forehead.

"Keefe, I physically cannot. I - I really like you! And I need you to come back!"

His eyes widened.

When she nodded that it was true, he moved a little closer to her.

Sophie took a trembling step forward, and they kept moving, steadily, until there was almost no distance between them.

She knew that he wouldn't want to talk so she slipped into his mind.

I really like you too, he said.

Then please come back with me, Sophie pleaded.

He shook his head. I can't endanger you any longer.

But you don't endanger me.

Then what was that numbing thing, Sophie? What was it? That wasn't endangering you?

You had no idea what you were doing, Sophie insisted.

But still . . . I need to protect you, Sophie. This is the only way.

No, it isn't! It isn't, Keefe. Please come back. I am . . . I am begging you.

But then Keefe did something that she would never forget. He pulled out his Pathfinder to leap away.

But before that, he kissed her.

Not on the cheek, not on the head, not on the hand. Right on the mouth.

Goodbye, he said.

And he was gone.

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