Party like it's summer 2013 - Part 2

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Where my characters get totally out of control, I'm sorry y'all, I'm totally writing Joel out of character, but I wanted it to be this way for what will come next soo~~~

As usual, || indicate the lyrics Chloe are singing.

Photo by Alexey Turenkov on Unsplash


In daylight, the room doesn't look the same as the day before. Tired of the night and tidying up, Chloe take a break, accepting the mug Derek hands her. He starts the conversation.

"Did you sleep at all?

-Hmm, not sure that little sleep count.

- I didn't see you leave, what time was it?

-Honestly, I don't really remember the end of the night."

Lie. She remembers every minute.

"Well Joel and you put on quite a show last night. People will talk in town."

She brushes the remark aside with a wave of her hand, rolling her eyes. Maybe he was right. Maybe she pushed it too far.

But god did she have the time of her life.


Gwen Stefani – What you waiting for?

Fuck it

Joel gets up and makes his way through the dancers to join Maria and Tommy, but especially Chloe. She raises her arms when she sees him. She won. He's her bitch now. She can't help but smile when she sees the stiff movements of her lover near her. He feels ridiculous and would like to go home, play his guitar quietly on the porch before going to bed. But she's there, and that's more than enough reason for him to stay too.

Rihanna - Pon de Replay

A new song begins, she decides to take matters into her own hands, to teach him a little lesson. She gestures for him to follow her movements, which he tries to do with varying degrees of success. She laughs softly to see him like this, light years from his comfort zone. She never thought she could get him to dance so easily.

Well, I'm ready for ya
Come let me show ya
I'mma show you how to move

She moves a little closer and places her hands on his hips for a moment to make them move in rhythm. She does this well, from the outside, you wouldn't suspect anything more than the usual facade relationship they've grown accustomed to showing. In the half-light, no one can see her smirk.

"Come on, we both know what you can do with those hips."

She moves away quickly, to avoid any suspicion on the part of potential observers. Maria and Tommy are close by, so she invites herself into their duet to dance with them, soon followed by Joel. She smiles when she sees the blonde woman let go like that. She has so little opportunity to relax, always preoccupied with the affairs of the community. It's nice that, for once, she's emptying her mind.

The songs follow one another, but they stay on the dance floor. The couple left them, so did Molly and Chris, in search of a more private place. They don't really care who is around them anymore, too mesmerized in each other's movements. The euphoria of dancing and alcohol makes them lose all measure. He puts his hand on her waist every time he slips something in her ear, causing her to laugh out loud that everyone around can only notice.

"By the way, who looked after Sarah when you were going out with Tommy?

-It depends, babysitters, or my neighbor sometimes.

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