Chapter 25✔️

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Hey, it is late again, sorry about that. This chapter is definitely not my favorite and the first part I am not 100% happy with but did my best.

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Chapter 25

I was neither dead nor alive.

I never knew really knew if I was fading slowly or just unconscious.

I never knew how long I was stuck; it was quite different than the first time dying.

Even if someone were to use spirit, I didn't think the darkness would let go of me this tune.

"Rose you been kissed by shadows." Victor's voice came to taunt me, repeating the same words over and over again. "You've crossed over into death, into the other side, and returned. Don't you think that leaves a mark on the soul?"

Truthfully, I had no idea where I was.

I never really felt like I was awake, though I wasn't completely unconscious all the time.

To not knowing the difference between dreaming or awakening, I felt like I have been stuck inside my head for what felt like forever. It felt like it had been an eternity unable to open my eyes but with moments of what sounds to be shuffling beside me around me. I tried everything from talking to moving my fingers to talking hoping they would hear me some how.

Trying to move or communicating was next to impossible, every time was a failure.

I felt like a failure. Going though hell and back physically you would think I would be able to overcome this obstacle, I never asked for much but all I wanted was to see my family and friends. Wanting to wake up and leave this nightmare. Only eighteen I still had my whole life ahead of me, I wanted to give my son siblings. Watch my child have grand children who became guardian's or what ever they with as long as I was there to see it all.

The feeling of not being able to wake up was starting to take its toll on me, I felt like I was going I insane. Whenever I hear those footsteps or muffling of a voice trying it talk to me made, I couldn't grasp it fully why I just couldn't wake up.  Just how bad were my injuries. Did I lose to much blood, was it this ahead injury or internal bleeding? I knew there was two paths ahead of me and I had to fight to see what way I was destined to go. Would the darkness take me for skipping death last time when Lissa cheated death, or would I get a chance to have a family with the man I loved.

When ever I was 'conscious' and no one was around me, I would get pictures of the last few moments before I was hit, reliving that moment in my head like a movie. A nightmare, I had hoped my baby made it alive that he was strong enough to pull through, to lose us both would crush Dimitri. When I saw the lights coming at me my instincts was to block him from the impact, as long as he was alright, I didn't mind dying if its to save someone I loved especially my family, Dimitri would always have something of me with him, our miracle.

Lately, I had truly begun to think that was I was finally going to meet my maker. There was always the possibility I wouldn't wake up and the nurses will decide to pull the plug before I could break through and make it out alive. The thought scared me to death, scared to not hold or meet my son the thought to not see or hold my friends family or Dimitri made me want to fight even harder.

Just after I had gotten hit by that vehicle, I really thought I had died; I must have grasped what ever life I had left in me worried for my son and everyone I loved. Last time I was in this situation only inside the vehicle Lissa brought me back to life, this time I managed to get stuck in darkness. Stuck in my own head instead of Lissa's. How ironic. Victors annoying voice taunted at me. Laughing at me for ending up where I started, at death's door.

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