Chapter 13----Cookies (you'll get why in a mintue XD)

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Lee's POV: I couldn't believe my eyes! I hadn't seen Lily in like, 10 years! "Me too!" I smiled. "Lee, who's Lily?" Shelly asked curiously. "Lily was my childhood friend from when I still live in Tricraftia. I haven't seen her for 10 years!" I explained. "H-hi there" Lily said quietly. "Hello! I'm Sqaishey and this is Shelly. It seems that you already know Lee over here!" Sqiashey smiled. "P-pleasure to m-meet you g-guys" Lily said. "What am I, a ghost?" A voice said from behind Lily. It was Suki! I completely forgot about him for a minute. "Sorry Suki!" Sqiashey giggled. "It's alright" Suki said, walking to the kitchen. "Where's he g-going?" Lily asked. "Suki loves cookies and we bought some yesterday..." Sqiashey said. "HEY, ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT COOKIES ARE THE BEST THING IN EXISTENCE!" Suki yelled from the kitchen, making us all laugh. "I'm going to go after him, we've been talking for quite a while and a cookie sound quite nice right now!" Shelly smiled, walking into the kitchen. "Do you like cookies Lily?" Sqiashey asked. She nodded. "Well then, let's go before Suki eats them all!" I laughed, running in. "Wh-what in the w-world?" Lily said as she entered. Suki had already eaten 3 cookies, now nibbling on a fourth one. "Really Suki?" Sqiashey laughed. "What!? I'm really skinny, I need the calories!" Suki laughed. "Well that's our last box... I'll text Stampy to get some more..." Sqiashey trailed off, pulling out her phone. "So L-lee, h-how are y-you?" Lily smiled. "I'm fine, thanks. How everything gone, it's been forever!" I smiled back. "W-well, my p-parents died a c-couple years ago wh-which t-traumatized me s-so much I st-started stuttering, I h-have an a-adopted older s-siter named A-Aislee who t-takes c-care of m-me, and I g-get b-bullied a lot at s-school..." She frowned. "Oh, really? That's to bad" Shelly said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "It's a-alright, I-I'm ok" Lily smiled. I looked at Suki who was nibbling on his 8TH COOKIE!! "Dang Suki, you're like a cookie loving version of Stampy!" I laughed. "Hey, I already told you they're the best thing in existence!" He pouted slightly in defense. I laughed, Shelly following after. "Alright, Stampy's coming home from work soon and he'll bring more cookies" Sqiashey said, rolling her eyes and smiling.


Sorry it's short, I just wanted to give you guys a quick chapter to laugh at :3

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