Chapter 8----Cookies Graduation Hot Chocolate and a Blind Person

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Sqaishey's POV: I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I got out of bed, went downstairs, and went into the kitchen to see Stampy making breakfast. "Morning love!" He smiled when he saw me. "Morning kitty!" I chirped back, giving him a hug. He smiled again. "Sqaishey? Have you realized something?" He asked. "What?" I asked. "There's a parcel on my table and I haven't bothered to open it yet. Can you open it?" He said with a mischievous grin. "Alright.." I said trying to sound suspicious but failing badly. He giggled and I went to the living room. I saw the brown package on the coffee table and picked it up. It was a bit heavy so I wondered what was inside it. I carefully opened the cardboard box and out slipped a letter that was already opened. I took out the paper and it said:

Dear Miss Quack and Mr. Cat,
We are pleased to inform that you have both graduated as honors in school! Since you missed the ceremony yesterday, we sent you your diplomas, report cards, and a 'lovely jubiely' as Miss Fisher (Amy) said. Have a nice day and congratulations!
The School District

I was shocked. I turned the box upside down to see a picture, two diplomas, two more envelopes which I was guessing was out report cards, and a slightly wilted rose. I giggled at the thought of Amy. I put it back in the box and went into the kitchen to see two plates with two heart-shaped pancakes on them. I looked up and saw Stampy. "You sneaky little cat!" I laughed. "Well to celebrate, we're gonna make COOKIES!" He smiled. I gasped. I LOVED cookies! Well not as much as pumpkin pie but you get what I mean! I smiled and sat down to eat breakfast.

*time skip or else I'll get eaten by mutant cookies. You want stories right? Ok let the time skip be. XD*

"So Sqaishey I have an idea" Stampy said while washing the dishes. "What is it?" I asked. "How about you ask your mum if you can live with me?" He asked. I gasped again and nodded. My mum was understanding so she would probably say yes! "I'll go call her! By the way when are we gonna make cookies?" I asked. "Just let me get some stuff from the store. I found a good recipe online earlier and we're gonna try it out!" He said. I nodded, went upstairs, and picked up my phone.

(Sm=sqaishey's mum S=sqaishey)

Sm: Hello dear! What the matter?

S: mum can I move in wi stampy? He asked and I really want to!

Sm: As long as it makes you happy Sqaishey! But you will call and visit right?

S: of course! I could never forget the woman who gave birth to me, much less not call or visit!

Sm: *laughs* Well I'll start packing your stuff. Come around 5 ok? Because I still need to go out later and I won't be there to say goodbye.

S: alright. Thanks mum! Love ya!

Sm: Love you to honey! Bye!

S: Bye!

I ended the call and ran downstairs squealing "SHE SAID YES!" Stampy laughed and gave me a kiss. I honestly think it was to shut me up. I giggled at the thought. "Well I'm going to go to the store now. I'll be back around 11" he said. I nodded. "I'll go to the park to relax for a while then" I said. He nodded as well. He hugged me and said "Bye love. See you soon!" As he walked out the door. I went upstairs. I took a shower, brushed my hair, put on a t-shirt that said 'Duckie 4 lyfe' and some shorts. I got an apple, a peanut butter sandwich, a water bottle, my phone and headphones, and a small blanket to lie down on. I went outside, closed the door and went to the park. When I got there I saw a giant tree that was really shady. Perfect. I put down the blanket on the grass and put on some music on my phone. I started singing along. "You have a really pretty voice" someone said when I finished. I turned around to see a boy about 12 years old with golden brown hair and foggy hazel eyes. "Thanks! Who are you?" I smiled. "My name is Sukira. But you can call me Suki" he said. "Well Suki, where are your parents?" I asked. He froze. "I.. I ran away. My dad used to abuse me and my mom was dead so I ran away. This is so far, my second day" he said sitting down. "Oh are you alright?" I asked, truthfully hurt at his story. He nodded. "Just a bit hungry. That's all. And I forgot to ask, what's your name?" He said. "Sqaishey! My boyfriend Stampy is at the grocery's so I'm staying here for a while. Also you need this" I said giving him half of my sand which. "Thanks" he said smiling lightly. He ate it quietly until I asked "Why are your eyes foggy?" "Oh I'm blind" he said simply. Blind?!? "Wait.. Blind?!?" I said surprised. He nodded. "I got blind when I was around 7 and all my other senses were basically boosted up so I can do things on my own" he said. I nodded. My phone suddenly started beeping. "Hold on Suki, let me get this" I said getting up and looking at my phone to see Stampy with a heart emoji.

Stampy: Sqaishey I'm coming home soon!

Sqaishey: Kitty? Can I ask something?

Stampy: Sure

Sqaishey: *explains Suki's story* so can he live with us?

Stampy: *thinks* why not? If it's to help a blind person of course!

Sqaishey: YAY!! I'll go tell him! Bye kitty!

Stampy: Bye!

I went back to my seat next to Suki. "Suki? How would you like to live with me and my boyfriend Stampy?" I asked. His eyes widened. "Are you serious?" He asked. I smiled and nodded forgetting he was blind. "Awesome!" He said. "Wait how could you tell I meant yes?" I asked. "Like I said, my other senses were boosted up. I could basically here you and stuff" he said. "Cool!" I smiled. "Now let's go!" I said, gathering my stuff and holding his hand.

*time skip*

"Sqaishey I home!" Stampy said putting paper bags on the table and kissing me on the cheek. Me and Suki were watching/listening some T.V. "Hi Stampy!" I smiled. "Hi. I'm Sukira or Suki" Suki smiled. "Hello there" Stampy smiled. "So can we make cookies?" I asked. "Ok let's get started!" Stampy smiled. "What's a cookie?" Suki's asked. "You've never had a cookie before!?" I gasped. "STAMPY HURRY WE NEED TO MAKE THIS BOY A COOKIE NOW!" I said sprinting to the kitchen, leaving Stampy and Suki giggling.


"Bye Honey! And thanks for the cookies!" My mum smiled as I walked to Stampy who had my other bag. I waved and we headed off. It wasn't that far of a walk so we got home about 10 minutes later. We opened the door to see Suki waiting patiently with 3 mugs of hot coco and cookies in front of him. "Wow Suki, you did this yourself?" Stampy asked. "It's the least I could do for you letting me stay here" he stated. We all laughed, enjoying each other's company and and cookies and coco.

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