Chapter 14----I Ship It!

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Sqiashey's POV: When everyone left, Stamoy went upstairs. He said he had to get up super early for work and wanted to go to bed so it was just me and Suki downstairs. "So what do you think of Lily?" I asked. "Well... She's seems pretty nice. And it's fun hanging out with her..." He said, blushing slightly. "You like Lily!" I squealed happily. "WH-WHAT GAVE YOU THAT IDEA!?!" Suki yelled, blushing even more. "Feel your cheeks!" I giggled. "Oh no, I'm blushing aren't I..." He said, looking embarrassed. "I ship it!~" I sang. "Sh-shut up!" Suki said, still blushing. "Mmm.... I'm good!" I smiled. "Anyway, it's a school day tomorrow. Why don't you and Fred go to bed?" I asked. "Alright. Night Sqiashey. Love you" he said, trotting up the stairs with the brown and white ball of fluff following closely behind him. Suki had been close with me and Stampy but he never actually said 'Love you' before. "Love you too!" I called out as he went into his room. I decided it was pretty late and went upstairs myself, changing and slipping into bed next to Stampy who was already out like a light. I picked up a book and started reading, falling asleep halfway. Which ended up with me waking up with a book on my face.

Lily's POV: "Hey Lily! How was school today?" Aislee asked as I plopped my bag on the couch. "F-fine. I m-mad a n-new f-friend t-today" I replied. "That's nice. What's his name?" She asked while handing me an apple. Apparently, I HAD to eat something everyday after school. "S-Suki. H-he's the n-new kid a-at s-school" I said. "Cool! Well I have to go to work now. See you in the morning sis!" She said, giving me a hug and picking up her work bag. I nodded and went upstairs, eating the apple. I decided to Skype Lee, seeing as I wanted to catch up with him after like a decade. I logged in and found Lee. "Hey there Lily!" He smiled as his face popped up on screen. "H-hi!" I smiled. "So how did you like meeting some of my friends?" He asked, obviously hoping I would be ok with them. "They're p-pretty nice" I shrugged. "What about Suki? You guys go to the same school" He asked. "H-he's pretty f-funny and n-nice to b-be around" I said. "You have a crush on Suki!" Lee laughed. "What?! No I don't!" I said. "Stop lying to yourself Lily and feel your cheeks!" Lee said. Oh god, my cheek was warm. Maybe I did have a crush on Suki... "I ship it!" Lee giggled. "Oh sh-shut up w-will you?" I said. "Oh, got to go. See you later Lily!" Lee said before hanging up. I waved and closed the tab, typing something into my URL. Time to read some CreepyPastas.


I ship Suki and Lily, deal with it -3-

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