Chapter 12----School

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Hey guys Lyla here! I'm still on hiatus but you guys deserve a chapter! :3 (p.s THANKS SO MICH FOR 10k READS!! <3)


Sqaishey: "Stampy!!" I called out, trying to find my curly haired boyfriend. "I'm upstairs Sqaishey!" He yelled back. I sprinted up the stairs to find him reading a book on our bedroom floor. "Stampy, why are you on the floor?" I asked. "I rolled off by accident and I couldn't bother getting back up" he stated like it was something people do everyday. "I leave the house to go shopping for 20 minutes and this is what I come back to find!" I laughed. He smiled, got up, and kissed me. "So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" He asked. "I was thinking about enrolling Suki in school. What do you think?" I asked. "Sounds like a pretty good idea. Do you think they would let Fredrick on school grounds though? Suki wouldn't know his way round" Stampy questioned. "I can ask! You know I'm persuasive" I said, going into the bathroom to get changed into something more comfortable for home. I went downstairs to see Suki in the living room, playing with Fredrick. Ever since Suki got him, they were inseparable! Fred slept on the end of Suki's bed, helped him go places, heck, he even waited out the door when he had to go to the bathroom! "Hey Suki? Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Sure! Down Fredrick, down boy!" He smiled, the little dog obeying and sitting down. "So Stampy and I were wonder about enrolling you in school. We've gotten new jobs and we thought you might want to learn a bit more" I said. "Alright, sounds good. But would they let Fred in?" He asked. "I can persuade them, I'm sure!" I smiled. "Ok. Well I'm gonna- Fred, can you stop chewing on my hoodie collar?" He asked, looking down at the ball of fluff on his neck. I giggled as he got off and fell asleep in Suki's lap. "Alright. Stampy's gotta go to work soon but I'll go upstairs to see if I can enroll you ok?" I asked. He nodded. Then I realized something. I didn't know his age! I mentally face palmed myself. "I forgot to ask, how old are you?" I said. "I'm 13" he said. Ok, I'll put him in 8th grade! "Thanks!" I said, running up the stairs.

*time skip to Suki's first day of school*

"Here we are!" I said as we stopped in front on Crafter's Elementary School. I looked at Suki. He looked really nervous. "Hey, it's alright. You know you're way home and you know Fredrick's really smart. And remember, be home before 6" I whispered, trying to make him feel better. He nodded. We walked into the office, Fredrick being very well behaved. "Hello! You must be Beth, Suki, and Fredrick!" The secretary smiled. I cringed on the inside after hearing my real name. No one had called me that for so long... "Yup!" I smiled, seeming unfazed. "I'm Charlie. Here's Suki's papers! Have a great day!" She said, handing him some papers in braille. He ran his fingers over them and said "thank you" I gave him a hug before I left, watching him and Fred go inside.

*time skip to after school cuz who wants to read about a bunch of lame lessons?*

Suki's POV: School was great! NOT. I almost got lost in the hallway, like 7 billion kids made fun of me for being blind, and Fredrick couldn't come inside the classroom because he was a dog. I had two homework assignments, one for history and one for math. It was like, the easiest lesson ever. I decided to go into the forest to clear my mind. It was only 2:30 and I don't have to be back for a while. Fredrick ran after me, making sure I don't trip. When I got there I heard something. And stepped on a stick. "Who's th-there?!" Uh oh...

Lily's POV: *flashback*

"Lee, do you have to go?" I whined when I was 4 to the 8 year old. "Yes. I'm sorry Lily, I really am. But my dad got a new job and we have to switch house" he said sadly, giving me a hug. "But you're my only fwiend..." I sighed, looking at his light blue eyes. "You'll make new friends. I know it" He smiled. "Oh alright. I'll miss you" I said quietly, giving him a hug. He hugged back. He let go, got in his family's car, and waved out the window as the car drove away. I sighed one last time. Lost my only friend for the next 10 years....

*flashback ends*

I sighed, remembering the day Lee left. His dad had gotten a new job somewhere and I hadn't seen him or made any friend for the next 10 years. Unless you count Aislee, but she's my adopted sister, a.k.a my care taker. My parents had died a couple years after they got her so she was the one who took care of me since she was older. After the usual bullying, I went to the forest like I always do after school. Aislee didn't expect me to come home until dark, knowing that I love to be in the forest alone. I sat on a tree stump and put up my hood, blocking my purple eyes from the sun. I took out my music box and began to wind it up. I listened quietly to the soft tune it made. I suddenly heard a stick crack. On on instinct, I whipped out my purple dagger and said "Who's th-there?!" Out stepped a boy with foggy hazel eyes and honey brown hair stepped out, a little brown and white dog by his side. "Sorry! I'm Suki, and this is Fredrick" he said, motioning to the dog. I put away my dagger. "I-I'm Lily.." I said. "Nice to meet you" he smiled. "W-wait, you're the n-new b-blind kid at school r-right?" I asked. He nodded. "C-cool!" I smiled. "S-so what are y-you d-doing here? M-most people d-don't come her o-often" I said. "I just wanted to clear my mind. Today has been hell for my" he groaned. I nodded. "Woof, woof!" I heard, the little dog jumping on me. I giggled. "Fredrick, down boy!" Suki laughed. He finally stopped after licking my face. "Looks like he likes you!" He said. Fredrick yapped in agreement. "So do you want to be friends?" He asked. "W-with me?" I questioned. "Yeah you! Why?" He asked. "W-well, most p-people don't a-ask me to be th-their friend. Th-they hate my st-stuttering and b-basically everything e-lee about me. "Well you seem nice. And they people who say otherwise can mess with Fred here" I said. "He may be little but he can sure bite!" He laughed. I giggled again, being the most happy I've been for years. "Anyway, want to come to my house?" He asked. "S-sure!" I smiled. "Follow me!" He yelled, sprinting through the woods. "Hey w-wait for me!" I screamed.

*at Stampy and Sqiashey's house*

"Sqiashey, I'm home!" Suki yelled when we got inside. "I'm in the living room with some of our friends! Feel free to some in!" She yelled back. "Let's d-do our h-homework real qu-quick so w-we can be d-done with it" I suggested. He nodded and took out some books in braille, our homework, and some pencils. On our way here, we talked about stuf. I can't believe we actually had every single class together! After 10 minutes, we had finished. I went into the living room to see a girl with brown hair and pale, bluish green eyes and another girl with darker hair and blue eyes. And someone I hadn't see for 10 years. "So I was like, no! Stamps, not the ca-" He stopped in mid sentence as he saw me. "Lily, is that really you?" He asked. "Yup! I'm so glad to have you back Lee!" I smiled.


Guys I'm gonna change the title. I feel like the story deprives from the whole 'high school' thing so comment some ideas! Peace out and keep on craftin' my little crafter's! BAIII!!!!

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