Chapter 2----Prom comes

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*Time skip to Monday morning cuz I like pie*

Sqaishey's POV: When I stepped inside the new school I instantly felt nervous. My family had just moved here and to be honest, I was a bit scared. I didn't know anyone and I came out of no where at the end of school! When I was walking through the halls I bumped into someone and dropped all my new books. I looked up about to say sorry but then I just looked at him for a moment. He was an orange cat and just a bit taller then I was. " Sorry" he said and helped my pick up my books. He was actually kind of cute! "No Sqaishey" I said to my self. "You are not falling in love with the first person you bump into! And what if he has a girl friend?" "It's alright" I replied. "So what's your name?" He asked. "I'm sqaishey. What's your name?" I asked. "I'm stampy" he said with a smile.

*time skip to lunch cuz this is my freaking story*

At lunch I saw stampy sitting down in the back of the lunch room. I walked over. "Hi stampy!" I said when he was looking at a paper on the wall. "Oh, hi!" He replied taking his jade green eyes off the poster. "Can I sit here?" I asked. "Sure. I'm just waiting for my friends." He said looking around the cafeteria. When they got here we all started eating lunch. Apparently his friends were a bear, a squid, and a girl with pink hair. Strange.

Stampy's POV: Squid pulled me over to the side saying he needed to talk to me about something. I said sure and we went to the hallway. "Mate. You got to ask her out!" Squid told me. "Who?" I asked "Squaishey? I don't think she'd say yes squid. What if she already has a boyfriend?" "No mate. I know everyone in this school. She's new here" "Well I can't just go up and bloody ask her can I? We just met in the hallway before math!"I said. "Well try sometime or else your going to be dateless for prom!" Squid said. I knew he was right...

*time skip to the week before prom cuz I'm tired and it's like 11 o'clock at night but I want to keep writing*

Lee's POV: I decided that I was going to prom without a date then and there. I was just going to enjoy my self and have fun with my friends. "I wonder what stampy's gonna do" I thought. Then I remembered that science was like in 2 minutes so i sprinted all the way to the class room.

*after science cuz it was boring*

It was finally time for lunch and I was starving! I went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. When stamps, Amy, and squid were already there I walked over and sat down. When sqaishey came over we all started talking about prom. It was obvious that Amy and squid were going together. And I already told them my plans of going without a date. Stampy didn't say anything. I was worried about him for a few days now actually. He never said anything except promising that he was going. But I didn't ask.

*6 hours before prom*

Stampy's POV: I was taking a shower, letting the cold water soothe me. I was actually really really nervous for prom! When I was finished, I put on a black tuxedo, some black shoes, a white bow tie, and and started combing my hair. I wasn't sure how I was going to survive tonight!

Amy's POV: I was at squid's house and we were getting ready for prom. He was downstairs already ready in a dark blue tuxedo with a black bow and blue shoes. I was getting dressed at the moment. I decided to curl my hair and wear a sparkly purple dress I found at the mall last week with some white heels. I couldn't wait!

Squid's POV: I was waiting for Amy to come downstairs so I could give her a bunch of white and red roses I got for her. She seemed so excited to go I was surprised she didn't burst! When she came down she looked amazing! I gave her the flowers and gave her a kiss. She hugged me back and we went off.

Sqaishey's POV: I slipped into a light blue dress and put on some light yellow flats. For a final touch, I put a pale pink flower in my hair and twirled. I was ready for tonight. Hopefully.

Lee's POV: I put on my best white tuxedo, some black shoes, and a black bow tie. I started combing my hair and looking in the mirror. I thought that I was looking ok. Since I was so close to the school, I decided to walk to prom. So I went out of my house and started walking.

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