20 Facts!

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Hi guys, Lyla here and today, in honor of 10k reads, I'm doing the 20 facts challenge!! :) Anyway, here we go!

1. Most of my friends IRL don't have a Wattpad account XD.

2. I found Wattpad by searching 'Are Stampy and Sqiashey Dating?"

3. I don't hang out with many people at school (I literally hang out with the same person everyday XD But he's still awesome :3)

4. The first anime I've ever watched is Attack on Titan (I lead a sad life XD)

5. I actually share my mini iPad with my mom.

6. I'm Filipino and Chinese.

7. I was born in New York but my relatives are from the Philippines and China.

8. I was allergic to peaches from the ages 6-9.

9. The person who showed me YouTube is xlilxNerdiexgirlx .

10. I'm obsessed with say the phrase 'Exploding Potato' at school but I don't even like potatoes.

11. I have to slap myself or stuff my mouth with a little towel to try not to wake up my family when it's really late and I'm trying not to laugh while watching YouTube.

12. I hate bacon. (Now before you be like, OMG SHE DOESNT LIKE BACON?! SHES AN ABSOLUTE FREAK!!, it makes me feel ill. About 4 years ago, I ate some for lunch and about 30 minutes later I threw up and I didn't stop for like 5 minutes. I don't know why, but since then whenever I see bacon I just think 'oh my god, if I don't get out now I'm going to be sick!' Which is one of the reasons why I don't eat breakfast with my family on Sunday's X3)

13. Raisins make me cringe.

14. I love drawing in my spare time.

15. I ship so many things, you'd probably fall asleep if I listed them all.

16. I can't read a Truelox fanfic. (When I try there's this little voice in the back of my head saying 'You're making a terrible mistake!' I can read Skylox (of course) and Skymu just fine but Truelox=NUH)

17. I developed my first real crush in 3rd/4th grade.

18. I use to play a multiplayer game called 'Club Penguin' a lot (I still play but not as often) and there were these this called Puffles that you took care of as pets. I used to love mine so much and that's how I got my name. The 14950 part is actually my lunch account password.

19. I've never seen a cat IRL before. I've seen picture and movies and shit but I've never seen the real deal.

20. My name isn't actually Lyla Marks. I know what you're thinking: LE GASP!! It's just my stage name and the name I use for making accounts. I don't want to give away my real name and if it's not at school, friends, or family, it sometimes makes me cringe a bit on the inside. My friends sometimes call me Lyla IRL though.

And there you have it! 20 facts about me :3. Anyway, peace out and keep on craftin' my little crafters! BAIIII!!!

(p.s. I recently JUST found out that my doppelgänger TheAmazing101 has nominated me to do this while scrolling through her books. Hope you're happy XD)

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