Chapter 11----Friends And Presents -final special chapter-

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Suki's POV: "Suki, wake up! It's Christmas!" I heard Sqaishey say the next morning. I slapped myself in the face a couple times. "Why are you slapping yourself?" She asked. "I'm still tired! I'm slapping myself to stay awake!" I said. She giggled. "Come one! Take a shower and get dressed! Our friends are coming over remember?" She said. "Oh yeah! I'll be down in 30 minutes!" I said, finding my way to the closet to get some clothes. After throwing them on my bed, I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I've only met Amy, Squid, Lee, and Shelly twice each so this was going to be fun! I put on my clothes and brushed my hair, putting what I hoped was a red bow in my hair. Amy gave it to me as a joke a couple weeks ago and I thought it would amuse her. I hopped down the stairs and into the living room, sitting on the couch. "Good morning Suki! And Merry Christmas" I heard Stampy say. "Merry Chirstmas!" I smiled. "What are you wearing?" He asked. "A red bow. Why?" I said. "It's hilarious! Where'd you get it?" He asked. "Amy" I simply stated. "Figures" he said. "Merry Christmas guys! I can't wait for all our friends to come!" Sqaishey smiled. "Me either. By the way, if you're hungry I have pancakes in the kitchen" Stampy said. I nodded and heard the door bell ring. "I'll get it!" I said, sliding to the front door in my socks. "Hey Suki! How are you?" I heard Shelly say after I opened the door. "I'm good. Lee's with you right?" I asked. "Yeah. He's just getting all the presents from the car" she said. "Come in! Stampy and Sqaishey are in the living room!" I said, leaving the door open for Lee.

Stampy's POV: "Hi guys!" Shelly smiled, coming into the living room in her coat and beanie. "Hi Shelly! You can put your coat on the couch. If you like, there's pancakes in the kitchen" I said. "Thanks!" She said, slipping off her coat and taking off her hat. "By the way, Lee's outside getting all the present!" She said. "Alright! Want to take selfies with the tree until he gets here?" Sqaishey asked. "Of course I do!" Shelly laughed. Sqaishey grabbed her phone and ran into the main room with Shelly at her heels. "Stampy! HELP!!" Lee screamed from the front door. "What's wrong?" I yelled, running to the door to find Lee struggling with a whole load of present and a cake. "GET THE CAKE BEFORE IT FALLS!!" He screamed. I took the cake and a couple presents of of Lee's pile. "Thanks buddy!" He sighed with relief. "No problem. While the girls take selfies with the tree -most likely posting them on Twitter later- want to hang o with Suki?" I asked. "Sure! I've only seen him like twice" Lee said. We put the presents under the tree, careful not to get in the girls' selfie photoshoot. I put the cake in the kitchen, going in the living room with Lee in front of me. "So when are Squid and Amy coming?" Suki asked. "Soon I think" Lee said. "They said they would be here after they stopped at Squid's Auntie's house" "Alright. So what do we do for now?" I asked. "Wait, Suki what's in you're hair?" Lee asked. "Amy gave it to me" Suki said simply. Lee laughed. "Well I can't wait for cake" I said. "Stamps, presents first, cake later!" Lee whined slightly. "Oh fine" I said, pouting slightly. Which ended up in the 3 of us in fits of laughter by the time Squid and Amy got here. "STAMPY, AMY AND SQUID ARE HERE!!" Sqaishey yelled, 30 minutes later. "YAY!!" I screamed, running to greet them and closely being followed by Sukira and Lee. "Hi Squid Nugget! Hi Amy!" I said, giving them a hug. "Hi Stampy! Hi Lee! And Hi to you as well Suki!!" Squid smiled. "Oh Suki, you're wearing the bow I gave you!" Amy laughed. "Yup!" He smiled. "Let's open present now shall we?" Shelly asked. We all ended up in a round of agreement and sat down by the tree to open all the gifts.

*time skip*

Squid's POV: We had almost finished opening all the presents! I had gotten a Squid plushie from Sqaishey, Suki, and Stamps, a hat with a cartoon squid on it from Lee and Shelly, and a pillow with a squid and a mermaid on it from Amy. Lee had gotten a new cook book from Stampy, Sqaishey, and Suki, a cookie plushie from Amy and I, and new baking pans from Shelly. Stampy had gotten a cat plushie from Sukira, a scarf with a cat on it from Sqaishey, a new jacket from Lee and Shelly, and yellow house plant flower from Amy and I. You can obviously tell who chose THAT gift. The others got great gifts as well, such as rose plants for Amy, a new Christmas jumper for Sqiashey and much much more. "There's still one present left!" Amy said. "That's Suki's" Sqaishey said, getting it and giving it to Suki. It was a pretty big box as well. Suki fumbled with the ribbon for a bit and took off the lid. Out popped-

Suki's POV: Sqaishey got me a little dog! It felt so fluffy. "So this was the present you were trying to hid from me!" I laughed as it licked me face. "Yeah! I thought you would like some company if me and Stampy ever had to go out!" She said cheerily. "Does it have a name and is it a boy or girl?" I asked as it got down and laid down in my lap, me stroking its head. "It's a boy and it doesn't have a name yet. You get to name him!" Stampy said. "I'll name him... Fredrik" I said. "That's an adorable name!" Shelly said. "It really is" Amy said. "So who wants pancakes?" Stampy said. "They may be a bit cold but they should till be good!" Everyone got up immediately (including the puppy) and ran into the kitchen to eat pancakes and regular cake. May I say, best Christmas ever?

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