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Pov Nicholas

I open my eyes and immediately remembered that I was not alone.

I turn my gaze down and see Amelia still sleeping peacefully and quietly in my arms. Not having the courage to wake her up, I stand still to observe her in silence and with her hand I gently caress her long dark brown hair.

I ask myself why this moment shouldn't last forever but the answer to my question is very simple she is not mine to love.

Over time I realized and maybe even accepted that one day someone better than me will come and take her away from me, just to think that that day comes my heart breaking into a thousand pieces.

The fact that maybe that day has come right now is making me die inside her, yesterday I had perfectly noticed the way the new guy looked at her that everyone is talking about now and the way Amy returned her glances.

Part of me told herself that she must be happy for Amelia that maybe she had found someone to love and at the same time be loved in return, while the other half of me wanted nothing more than to punch Matthew in the face and tell him he had to stay away from her. .

But I knew very well that if I gave in to that impulse Amy would hardly have forgiven me so I must remain silent in the name of our friendship.

She felt her move under my arms as she hugged me more and heard her mutter a little sleepily "Nick, are you awake?"

I replied jokingly "More than you! Definitely right now."

I saw her make a face at me and say "Always the same witty!".

I saw her get out of bed and gather her things scattered all over the room as she was about to go to the door I asked her "Amy don't you forget anything?"

Her face took on a confused expression, she replied asking me "What are you referring to?"

"To my shirt that I generously loaned you last night."

She smiled at me and said "Nick I didn't forget to give you the shirt back, I never intended to actually do it" she finished the sentence by winking at me and then walking away.


"Can either of you sit next to me today, please?"

Amelia and I exchange a confused look, "How come you don't sit next to one of your sisters as usual? Did something happen?" I ask.

In an annoyed tone Prudence replied "Not that it's business but Dorcas and I had a fight this morning and Agatha took her side."

"Why did you fight this time?" asks amelia.

"I may have made fun of Dorcas and Marcus being a thing." Amelia glares at her. Prudence replied immediately as usual about her "Don't look at me that way! However, if you or Dorcas or Agatha think that I am the one to take the first step to make peace, you are all wrong. ''

"Yes, but Pru, what are you going to do in this ace of time that will pass before either of us takes the first step towards reconciliation?"

After I asked this question to Prudence, she took a moment to think about the answer to give me when she came to grips with the situation she wrapped her arms around both me and Amelia then said "I'll be with you two."

Amy and I give each other a look of terror.

"Come on Nicky, will you sit next to me today?"

"Pru you know better than me that I always sat next to Amelia in class."

Hidden Desire // Nicholas Scratch //Where stories live. Discover now