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Pov Amelia

While I was reading quietly in the library he heard a voice, whose origin I know very well, greet me behind me "Hello Amelia!"

In the meantime that I was putting the book on the table the owner of that voice came and sat right next to me so I greeted her too "Hi Prudence!"

"So it's been a long time since we just talked, tell me how you are doing in this period?"

I calmly replied "Everything is going very well in my life thanks for your interest and you Prudence what can you tell me?"

She replied "Apart from that little bickering with my sisters, everything is going wonderfully. And how are things with Matthew?"

I knew you wanted to go here to parry!

"For the moment everything is pretty good, he is always very courteous to me and he is also very nice. We spent some time together these days and we had a good time."

While I was telling her about Matthew I noticed Prudence watching me with a strange look when I asked her why she did it Prudence she replied "For no particular reason Amelia just ... you don't seem particularly satisfied."

Although she gave me a lot of annoyance that unsolicited comment of her I could not help but agree with her. Unconsciously I already thought it but hearing it in my face is another matter entirely.

Thinking back to those few moments I spent with Matthew, I have always felt at ease and when he is around I always feel cheerful but I am perfectly aware that the problem is mine.

The main problem is that no matter how hard I try I just can't see Matthew as a likely lover but only as a good friend. When I thought of someone as a probable lover to me, the same person always came up in my heart.

"From your silence I deduce that you too have sensed that that boy, however perfect he may be, will never be able to replace who you really have in your heart."

Following this statement from Prudence, I gasped slightly, staring at her in shock. How the hell did you figure it out?

She with an amused tone she asked me "Were you really so surprised to find that I am aware of your true feelings Nicholas since we were children?"

Having been left speechless she nodded her head and Prudence added "Everyone who has been around you in these years has probably understood only that doting Nicholas hasn't realized it yet."

Oh my satan! What an embarrassment!

I still can't believe that this moment is really happening.

Finding the courage to speak, I asked the girl she is standing in front of me right now "Are you really saying that everyone is aware of my crush on Nicholas?"

With an evil smirk painted on her face, he nodded. "Even a fool could understand this since you are after Nicholas in all respects even when he starts to mind him. I've always wondered how you managed to handle it all these years."

I admitted in a defeated tone "I guess love gave me the strength to do it."

"So you love him?"

I honestly replied "Yes, very much and I have been doing it for many years."

He looked at me with a sorry air "I pray Satan that he will never let me fall in love with someone in the same way you love your best friend. Take my curiosity away if you love so intensely Nicholas tell me why you decided to accept Matthew's invitation to go out together with him. Wouldn't you like to use it to make Nicholas jealous? "

Hidden Desire // Nicholas Scratch //Where stories live. Discover now