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Pov Nicholas

"Pour me another Dorian."

I noticed the disapproving look he gave me as he poured the alcoholic liquid into the glass. "Nicky dear don't you think you're a little young to be an old drunk here in my club?"

Why on earth does nobody mind their own business in this place? I replied with a contemptuous tone "And when will you learn to mind your own business, Gray?"

He said taking the glass from my hand "So tell me what is the reason this time you are here to empty my cellars instead of going to do something else?"

I ignored his question to avoid answering him. Right now what I need is to get her out of her head. I certainly don't need a nosy bartender to ask me questions about her.

Later Dorian put in front of me another drink less strong than the one I had requested before then made an inappropriate remark "You know right now looking at you I wonder what your friend Amelia would think if she saw you right now."

She certainly would not approve of my way of dealing with problems if it were not that my problem concerns Amelia, I would have gone to talk to her.

"Tell me are you playing the game of silence with me because your problem is with the girl in question?" Dorian asked.

He nodded his head slightly. "Correct me if I'm wrong you fell in love with your childhood best friend but you don't have enough courage to admit your feelings to her. Is what I'm saying right?"

"Yes, what you say is true." I answered him sincerely because I knew so much that it would be useless to lie then I think that talking about it with someone other than Prudence could be positive for me.

"In my opinion, if I told her how you feel about your Amelia, it wouldn't hurt." Dorian said in a convinced tone.

Here we go again! Now he too, like Prudence, insist on the fact that if I tell her I love her she will suddenly by magic love her too.

As much as I wish it were true I know that things don't work out that way in love.

"Take my curiosity away how long have you had a romantic interest in Amelia?"

I replied "I think that subconsciously I have been interested in her for a long time, I realized that I was in love with her after her baptism.

Dorian listened to me very carefully and later he asked me how I understood him. I told him I understood this because following her dark baptism I began to see Amy no longer as a child but as a real girl.

I remember that in that period every time he gave me the smallest of attention I felt in seventh heaven. Amelia has a very sunny disposition when she loves someone even if she has known him recently she makes her feel the most appreciated person in the world.

She at the beginning of sixteen had become a beautiful girl even if she was already before her in my eyes she appeared even more fascinated.

I found myself several times staring at her and smiling even though there was no particular reason just for the pleasure of doing it.

I was not the only one to see that radical change in Amelia even my friends noticed it very well I remember the emotions that jealousy and anger were unleashed in me when one of those idiots did the death toll with her.

It was in that moment that I realized that it was no longer enough for me to be just friends, but I wanted much more.

Out of sheer jealousy I pushed away all possible suitors of her that Amelia could have, she only felt guilty when one day she came to me crying because she thought that Tom had pushed her away because she had done something wrong to make him escape.

Actually I was the one who scared him blackmailing him into revealing to the high priest that he had copied in a very important test, if Father Blackwood found out he would have cost him expulsion.

I recognize that at that time I had not acted in a manner the only justification I can offer is that my actions had been blindly guided by my feelings.

Dorian more and more involved in this story proposed to me "Why don't you invite her to spend the Lupercals with you this year? You told me that for this year you would not have participated in it because you did not have someone interesting to participate with why not go together with she."

I had thought about inviting her several times over the years but she has always stopped my cowardice.

Then Amelia didn't seem like the type to go to the Lupercals she's too romantic for that kind of thing. I wonder what opinion she made of me seeing me hanging out with almost the entire academy.

I'm not ashamed of my past I want this to be clear but now I have a far worse obstacle Matthew with an immaculate reputation. The perfect guy with the perfect reputation everyone wants, I understand why Amy likes him.

Maybe what I'm about to say could be influenced by the hatred I have for that boy but I can say with certainty that there is something dark underneath that perfect image that has been created.

"I don't know Dorian ... Anyway, now there is a boy she likes and he flirts with her I don't think she would accept my invitation to go out."

Dorian said something unexpectedly encouraging "The Nicholas Scratch I know wouldn't be standing here draining my supplies knowing that the girl she likes is about to date someone else. Now I tell you what you are going to do now you go back to your dorm then after you've fully recovered you'll go to your Amelia and woo her until she realizes you're made for each other. "

Having said these words Dorian confiscates my glass and beckoned me to leave so I did.

I didn't expect all this support from Dorian, I feel inspired by what he said to me. I'll go to Amy's tomorrow and apologize to her then start doing what I have to do to make her fall in love with me.

It is no longer the time to be in her shadow, the time has come to show her how much I really care about her.

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