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Pov Amelia

"Then you finally came."

Closing the door behind him Nicholas said "Were you expecting something else by any chance?"

Smiling, I denied with my head.

"If I remember correctly, I'm here to help you choose a dress for the most anticipated evening of the year. Show me your proposals and then I'll evaluate them."

He felt a certain urgency from him but I didn't pay much attention to it, I took the clothes I had already selected last night and headed for the bathroom.

My first proposal was a sequined dress, the neckline of this dress left very little to the imagination. When I showed it to Nick, who was currently sitting comfortably on my bed, he immediately unwrapped it telling me that he was not suitable for me.

I didn't blame him in fact, thinking back to that dress I still wonder how it could have ended up in my closet. Precisely because Nicholas knows me so well I decided to ask him for help.

The second proposal was not rejected but not even accepted with the enthusiasm I hoped for from my friend. Nick told me yes the dress is beautiful but it's not exactly breathtaking when you see it.

Finally I presented my third and last proposal when he came out of the bathroom I saw Nicholas watching me with a look that he has never used before on me.

In fact this is my absolute favorite dress of all my closet, this dress I bought about a year ago in a mortal shop in Riverdale but not being the kind of person who likes to go to parties I never had the opportunity to wear it.

Turning my gaze back to Nicholas I really think this can be fine is a black, simple and short dress.

I love the way the dress fits my shapes without even being too raunchy at the same time!

Having forgotten to zip my dress I try to move my hands behind my back to try to close it but after several attempts I gave up.

Nick gets up and comes towards me made me turn gently to the mirror and felt his hands fumbling with the zipper of my dress closing it. He felt his hands move tenderly from my back towards my shoulders and then grip them firmly.

"So how am I with the dress?" I asked him to decide, interrupting that air of tension that had been created in the air.

"You are perfect, always come."

I turn to him finding us face to face and I said a little embarrassed "Thanks for your help Nick."

"This is another Amy to you."

I wonder how the two of us got so close we are so close that I can feel his breath on my face. "Amy I have to tell you something very important but not knowing yet how you will react to what I have to tell you I need time to find the most suitable way to tell you without frightening you ..."

Who knows what she will refer to? From his tone I can sense that this is something very important.

"Don't worry, you know that you can tell me everything, right?"

Nick smiled faintly and took my hands in his "Yeah, I know. Just don't make important decisions until I have the courage to tell you, promise me?"

What important decisions is Nicholas referring to? This conversation is really sending me into utter confusion, not to mention the fact that all this closeness between us is driving me all the hormones crazy.

Trying to keep calm as best I can I reply "Okay I promise you if that's what you want."

Then Nicholas does something that will perhaps drive me crazy to approach me and he places a kiss on my cheek. How I wish he had done it somewhere else.

"I wish you to spend a good evening with your prince charming ..." Nick told me before leaving I don't know for what reason but he felt some melancholy in his words.


30 minutes later

Knock, Knock, Knock

When I heard a knock on the door I immediately went to open it and in front of me I saw Matthew all dressed up smiling at me.

"Wow! Amelia you are really gorgeous!"

She blushed for the compliment. "So are you ready to go?"

I replied with determination "Yes." having said that we both go to the club.



"Now it's your turn Amelia, tell me about yourself."

With an embarrassed smile I asked him "What do you want to know?"

Since it is me there is not much to tell about my life I have practically spent entirely here at the academy.

"Tell me about your family for example."

Matthew involuntarily touched a very sore point for me I replied trying to remain indifferent "There is not much to say."

"On the other hand, I bet yes, only that you don't want to talk about it. Am I right to think this?"

He took me by surprise talking to me so he probably guessed something from my attitude. "You are right to think so."

"So tell me do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"No, I'm an only child." I would have liked very much to have one but my parents were already enough for me, for them the important thing was to have at least one healthy heir to carry on their legacy.

Over time I realized that my parents do not have that parental instinct as I would have liked so much in fact at the first opportunity they left me here. I don't think they do it out of meanness they just are like that.

I should consider myself already lucky compared to many others who don't have their parents but sometimes I really feel like the most unfortunate girl around.

"And what about your parents?" Matthew asked curiously.

I replied "In short, I have parents but it's as if I practically don't have them." I finished the sentence with a sad smile. I raised the glass of red wine to my lips to try to relieve the stress caused by that conversation.

"Why do you say this?" Matthew asked me with a sorry look.

"The reason I say these words is that since my parents brought me here to the academy in simple words they have forgotten me. I only went to them during the winter holidays but then when at the age of eight he realized that my presence was not necessary I didn't go there anymore. "

In the meantime I was telling him a sad anecdote from my life Matthew gently shook my hand but the only thing that came to my mind while he was doing it is that I wished with all my heart that someone else was with me at that table .

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