3. An Unsure Decision

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Jerova is the third largest country in Earthelle. It is one of just two countries left with a stable control over magic. With war however, winning in favour of the Demon Lord, that stability was breaking fast.

Once, when Lords' Scenrio and Yatzili walked the planet among humankind, the balance between good and evil was pure. The light shone brightly while darkness was kept at bay.

Scenrio and Yatzili were among only a few gods capable of touching Earthelle's surface. They held the utmost responsibility of guiding the people of Jerova through good times and bad. Yatzili however, eventually became greedy with power, he had a lust for evil. The Dark Lord turned on his friend; his influence commanded an army of millions to attack and destroy Souvanence, the key to all magic.

Lizac Scenrio's forces were hugely outnumbered and overrun, but his gift of fire and the sorcerers' skills in using the fiery magic were enough to defend the innocent and finish the dark power for good, but it was also that which destroyed and planted fear into the lives of everyone alive that day when the war ended.

Punishment for the Dark Lord's actions were not pleasant. He was sent into the bowels of Merusulcra, never to return. Only the blood of Scenrio could release the Lord of the dark, and the blood was lost. Lord Scenrio returned to the heavens, vowing he would not return until the day a new unborn Scenrio is called upon and was in need of his guidance. A protector of the people and a new Guardian of Sorcery. That day fire magic was banished; no one was ever to learn it again, and those who did know were drained of the power. Fire had a taint of evil, thoughts alone were enough for punishment, until one day it became a mere tale to scare children.

* * *

Sat in his office, the current Mayor of Souvanence, had already dismissed the lecture his daughter had just given him on the scare the fireboy had given her earlier that day. No matter how many people were uncomfortable with the idea, it was not in his power to suspend the fireboy from the school.

Mayor Crucillo rubbed a finger along one of his big white bushy eyebrows. He was finding the contents of a letter he held hard to digest, How could a whole army suddenly retreat and just disappear, he thought disturbingly. He put the letter down on the mahogany lacquered desk and relaxed his arms on his soft blue robes. Scenrio's symbol of two chains inter-locking was gold embroidered on the chest, and the cross-shaped emblem of Souvanence sat neatly on the arms and sides.

A cloud of smoke rose in one corner of the room next to a life size statue of Quebiron, the Mayor who had saved thousands since the days of Lizac Scenrio. Crucillo took no notice until the smoke became a figure; the Mayor was all too familiar with Kelsic not using doors, or even windows. She was old and looked frail, she had long skinny arms and long fingernails. Her skin was wrinkled and her long white hair had lived for many years since its last stray of colour. Kelsic was Crucillo's advisor, and in a way, his mentor.

"What news disturbs you, Sed?" Asked Kelsic softly.

The Mayor sighed heavily, "When a group of our Elites made into battle one of their hordes retreated," Crucillo was always straight with Kelsic; it was easier to draw blood from a stone than hide something from the old magus.

"I know, I have read the letter," she said.

Mayor Crucillo did not doubt that, even though he was the one who just broke the seal on the envelope, "I just don't understand it. They did not go back to Dekra or any other known orc keep. They did not even go north. They just ran and disappeared," Crucillo did not like the outcome of the war, no one did, "I'm going to have to travel to Tidel and speak with the Commanding General. I need full details on what's happening, especially to my people."

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