14. The Longest Day

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Nothing felt worse for Greg at that moment. Yesterday he laid in bed recovering from a horrifying ambush, reeling in the sympathy from friends and all the while a bigger, larger army was marching straight to what could cripple the haven of Souvanence. He sat in Malk's front room watching his tutor pace up and down on the creaky floorboards. He was thinking hard; Greg wished he knew what his plans were. He knew they would not be leaving the city today, but he also knew Malk would not be part of the Mayor's guard if he could help it. He had hoped Malk would have planned his day before he got there.

"I've got it!" Said Malk suddenly.

"What is it?" Asked Greg.

"We'll... We will... No wait, that won't work."

Greg could see the frustration on Malk's face at feeling useless, "Maybe they will still let you fight?" He tried to sound comforting. He was glad that he was not able to fight, it would not be right if he was sent out after the lecture he had given the others about going into the woods. However he could see in Malk's eyes that his mentor wanted to be out there.

"No they won't. They think we are heroes from yesterday, tired heroes at that. As a retired General I won't receive authorisation to leave these walls until this threat is passed. They don't see this battle threatening enough to allow me."

Malk's best strength, thought Greg, Always abiding by the law.

"Why don't we just ask the Mayor what we can do to help?"

"No. I will not go to the Mayor until the day this war comes crashing down on the city hall," said Malk stubbornly.

Greg could never understand why Malk hated the Mayor so much. Sure, he was not very good at his job in their eyes, but Greg always assumed that people with power over others were never that good at anything they did, or the choices they made.

Malk scratched his shaven head, "The citizens are what's important."

"There you go. We can stand in for the Elites while they are out there," said Greg, praying the problem was solved.

"No that won't work either, for today at least we are classed as part of those citizens that need protecting. Captain bloody Fishrual's orders," stressed Malk, "The one guy who can't see the real threat!"

There was knock at the door, Greg stood up and walked to it.

"Good morning, Kelsic," said Greg as the old advisor walked through the door.

"Morning, young man," she replied before turning her attention to Malk.

"It turns out you were right," said Malk as a greeting.

"Indeed. I am sorry I did not pay attention to the signs."

"There is no one here you need to apologise to," said Malk firmly, "So for what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I am here to offer you a chance to do what is right."

"An offer?" Malk perked up a bit, "Go on?"

"Well I need your boy here, and in return I offer you a place in the ranks," said Kelsic smiling innocently.

"Me?" Asked Greg, "What do you want me for?"

Both Kelsic and Malk ignored Greg.

"What's the catch?" Asked Malk sceptically, "Why do you want Greg?"

"Your teachings, Malk are just what I need for a young man who will need guidance in this battle."

"Who is this fool you speak of?" Replied Malk.

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