16. The Gift Of Fire

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The drums beat loudly, the boots stomped louder. Five thousand distorted war built monsters faced the defendants of Souvanence, men and women that had also chose the life provided by the Demon Lord stood with them. Their shrieks were haunting and their glares full of hatred.

Chad stood slightly behind Malk. He knew that coming here was a serious mistake, 'What was Kelsic thinking?' He thought over and over again.

"Chin up, boy. Don't let them intimidate you," said Malk. He never took his eyes off the orc officer that stood in his path. It was Malk's first obligation in all big battles to select main targets before the fighting began.

"I'm scared," admitted Chad, "I've never seen death before."

"I would be scared if you had," replied Malk, "Look around you, do you think half of these soldiers are ready to face death? You have courage, Chad. Use it and I promise you will come home with me alive."

Chad did look around, he was sad to see so many frightened faces; many were holding it back worse than he was. Not even the Lord's Arms prepared themselves for this.

"What are they doing?" Asked Chad, he studied the humans in the enemy lines. He was glad the creatures were not moving, but he thought it odd that they would come all this way and not make a full scale attack straight away.

"I think they're frightened too," replied Malk.

"Huh, they're scared too?"

"They did not expect us to be out here waiting for them. They are reorganising now. Stand ready for the first attack," Malk unsheathed his sword, many around him did the same, "There is no short supply in shamans. Take them out first if you can."

Standing among the regular black armoured orcs were hundreds of ripped black coated orcs. They wore twisted iron crowns to mark their rank above regular foot soldiers.

"They are preparing to move!" Screamed Lt. Crete. Chad jumped, he watched the soldiers fall into position.

"Follow me," said Malk grabbing Chad by the shoulders.

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to hit them hard on the western flank."

Sergeant Stephran began shouting orders from the far side but Chad could not make them out. They were repeated by senior officers further down the ranks but Chad still could not understand.

Once they reached the end of the line they found themselves next to soldiers dressed in red, the 'Wall Guards' they called themselves. The orc army was already moving towards them.

"This is it, fireboy. Get ready to charge," said Malk calmly.


Chad was not sure who shouted that but it echoed through the ranks. The soldiers in the centre began moving forward.

Help me please Scenrio, pleaded Chad as he and Malk moved slowly forward. He kept his own sword sheathed. He did not want to use it unless he had to.

Now at running speed it took just seconds before Chad was close enough to see the full fury of the faces heading straight for him, some had their eyes locked on him. He tripped over, he did not know how. No one stopped, not even Malk. The Wall Guards kept moving forward. Chad could only see the dust and dirt flying from their boots. He rolled to the side to avoid getting trampled. He watched thunder coming from the sky, I hope that's our lot, he thought as he climbed back up cursing to himself of his own stupidity. He could hear the roars and swords slashing from both sides.

Before Chad had time to think, three dark figures moved quickly towards him. He held out his arm to defend himself and the orcs burst into flames from the inside out. They fell to the floor and were quickly replaced by two more. The first one burst into flames like the others. Chad threw fireballs at the second. It shrieked in pain and hissed something he could not understand. It fell dying, still clutching its sword.

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