19. The Protectors' Tale

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The city hall was filled with sorcerers; officers of each regiment were invited to receive special commendations from the Mayor and Captain.

The courtroom was lined with fully occupied chairs. Malk sat alongside Sergeant Stephran, Veeko and Major Britton in the front row. Two crutches sat beside Malk's chair, he was only just beginning to feel his legs and sides again. The pain in his head was still immense.

Officers were lined up on the stage before them. Mayor Crucillo took turns thanking them one by one while placing a gold medal around their necks, handed to him by Captain Fishrual.

Kelsic was not among the sorcerers in the large room. The Mayor recalled her mentioning something about four children, "Thank you, Left Lieutenant Tannen of the King's Men," he said as he rewarded the last woman at the end of the stage.

"You may all be seated," said Fishrual, the soldiers left the stage and took up their seats behind Malk.

The Mayor faced the war heroes, who each turned their full attention to him, "Yesterday, the safe haven of our beloved city fell under threat of an opposing orc army of the South. Now it is not clear how such a force was able to travel across eastern Jerova unnoticed. I would like to congratulate each and every one of you for your effective response in intercepting the enemy and destroying their objectives. A full investigation will be carried out by the Elites immediately. We lost a lot of good soldiers, men and women. Our hearts go with them as they travel to the light of Scenrio. The event that took place yesterday will be remembered for a long time to come. Let us remember those who fought and lost their lives protecting the civilians of our city. Thank you all."

Kelsic walked onto the stage beside him as the sorcerers began to leave. She was followed by the four apparent protectors. Rogue carried the Lumis under her arm. The Mayor stared at them, surprised by the intrusion on the stage. The onlookers sat back down, curious of Kelsic's actions.

"What is the meaning of this?" Asked Fishrual surprised.

The Mayor studied the four children, Rogue in particular, "Can I ask what you are doing, Kelsic?"

The watching sorcerers looked on, clearly confused. Malk and Darren wondered with fear why the kids they knew were up on a stage in front of hundreds of older and more mature sorcerers. The four students themselves were nervous, wondering what Kelsic had planned for them.

"Mayor, these kids are here on my authority. I think they will be of interest to you and everyone in this room," said Kelsic excitedly.

Fishrual sighed, he knew what was coming.

"Intrigue us then, Kelsic. Why are they here?" Said Crucillo.

"You are all aware of the prophecy of the Guardian," Kelsic waited for the nods, "Lord Scenrio did not want us to forget it. That prophecy has awakened. The Lumis has been found."

"Prophecy?" Asked Crucillo, "Are you saying it's real?"

Malk kept his eyes on Greg, hoping... Praying he did not have any involvement in this.

"That is correct, Mayor," replied Kelsic, "These four played a big part in the battle yesterday."

"They were all there?" Asked Fishrual furiously.

"No, only Chad, which you know of," replied Kelsic calmly.

"What is this about?" Asked Malk, Darren and the Sergeant together.

"It was our very own fireboy that destroyed their attempts and defeated Revlic, with the help of young Major Britton," Kelsic smiled at Darren, "You may not have noticed, Mayor, but Kirsten over there had a success rate that matched your top doctors. Way too advanced for her age."

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